As the most international faculty at HKU, HKU Business School has long and well-established strategic partnerships with world-renowned universities and corporate partners around the world. These partnerships have provided market-oriented critical content, a superior learning experience, and instrumental resources for our students.

Collaborative Programmes

International Exchange Partners

HKU Business School has an extensive network with more than 300 exchange partners in more than 40 countries/regions, in the form of student exchanges and internships. Every year, more than 400 students are sent for overseas exchange, while hundreds of international students come to the School for study, thus creating a dynamic, multicultural learning environment in the campus. 

The School also links to many partner institutions in China. Through different cultural exchanges and experiential learning programmes, students are able to understand the business environment on China.

Exchange Partners
Exchange Students

Corporate Collaboration

The School strives to strengthen our presence in and connection with the business community, exploring collaboration opportunities in both public and private sectors. During the past year, the School formed a new partnership with CCB, China Life Insurance (Overseas), China Resources, KPMG and New World Development. We will continue to actively engage and expand our network with new corporate partners in Hong Kong, China and the rest of the world, bringing pioneering developments in strategic frontiers.

Corporate Collaboration