HKUEFPA High Table Dinner 2018
Time flies and many of you will be finishing the last module of your studies at HKU in June. In celebration of the completion of your studies at HKU, you are cordially invited to the HKUEFPA High Table Dinner cum Graduation Dinner 2018, which is jointly organised by HKU Economics and Finance Postgraduates Association ("HKUEFPA") and MEcon & MFin Programmes.
High Table Dinner is a tradition of HKU. The HKUEFPA High Table Dinner cum Graduation Dinner 2018 will be held on 10th June (Sunday), 6:00 PM, at Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong.
Let’s join this fun-filled night with faculty members, MFin, MEcon, MBA and Phd students and alumni, as well as guests from the financial industries.
Dress code: Formal Attire
1. MEcon, MFin Students (sponsored by MEcon & MFin Programmes): HK$350 or CN¥290
2. MEcon, MFin Alumni (sponsored by MEcon & MFin Programmes): HK$450 or CN¥375
3. Others: HK$600 or CN¥498 [Not eligible for group discount]
Click the URL: https://goo.gl/forms/IlMd2EzjPcMfw2O92
(Deadline for registration and payment: 7th June)
Limited seats. First come first served!
Contact Person:
Chris Liu, Chairperson, HKU Economics & Finance Postgraduates Association, Email: chair@hkuefpa.org
Pauline Hui, Manager (Alumni & Student Services), MEcon & MFin Programmes, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Tel: 3962 1489, Email: huicw@hku.hk.
Photo Album for HKUEFPA High Table Dinner 2018: