“Social Network Analysis” by Professor Israr Qureshi
Social Entrepreneurship and ICTD
Research School of Management
The Australian National University
Israr Qureshi is a Professor at Research School of Management, Australian National University. He earned his PhD from Ivey Business School, Western University. He is engaged in projects that investigate various aspects of social value creation through sustainable development, social entrepreneurship, and ICT. He is involved in an am-bitious project that aims to investigate the social impact of social and indigenous enterprises in Australia. He is al-so engaged in various initiatives to address climate change, including zero-carbon future (A$10 million project), enhanced earth systems, and negative emission technologies. His has published in Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Organization Behavior, MIS Quarterly, Organization Studies, among others.
Social network analysis is increasingly being used across various disciplines such as organizational studies, management, business, sociology, political science, communications, etc. Quantitative empirical studies that analyze social, management, and business phenomena, formulate hypotheses, and test them through social network analysis are increasing in social sciences, including management and organization research. In this workshop, we will learn how to apply social network analysis to test various theories. This workshop is geared towards providing foundations in social network methodologies that covers data collection, research ethics, and data analysis.