2023 Firm and Industry Dynamics Workshopzzz

June 26 - 27, 2023


The 2023 Firm and Industry Dynamics Workshop will be held in June 2023, at The University of Hong Kong. The workshop is sponsored by the HKU Business School’s Institute of China Economy. This workshop will bring together leading scholars and researchers from around the world to discuss the latest trends and insights in the areas of firm and industry dynamics.

The workshop will focus on a range of topics, including the literature and perspectives of firms and industry dynamics, multi-product firms, and Impact of economics shocks. Our speakers will also explore the role of government policy in shaping industry dynamics, including the impact of bilateral economies and tax policy on firm behaviour.

Institute of China Economy, HKU Business School
Economics Area, HKU Business School
Economic Strategy and Development Centre, HKU Shenzhen Research Institute
UNSW Business School, The University of New South Wales, Sydney

Date: June 26 and 27, 2023

Venue: Room 1121, 11/F, K.K. Leung Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Registration: We welcome colleagues and research students to attend the Workshop. Please register here. Registration will be closed on June 15, 2023. There is no registration fee*. Seats are limited. Successful registrants will receive confirmation email from the organizer before the event day.

* Lunch and dinner will be by invitation. Participants will be responsible to cover the passage and accommodation costs.

Contact: Institute of China Economy, HKU Business School at iceinfo@hku.hk

Programme Rundown

Day 1: June 26, 2023 (Monday)
09:00 – 09:10

Opening Remarks, Xiaodong ZHU, HKU Business School

Mark Roberts
09:10 – 10:10

Chair: Hongsong ZHANG, HKU Business School

Special Lecture by Mark ROBERTS, The Pennsylvania State University

“Firms and industrial dynamics: Literature and Perspective”

Coffee Break and Group Photo

Session 1: Multi-product Firms and Industry Dynamics

Chair: Chang SUN, HKU Business School

Frederic Warzynski
10:25 – 11:25

Frederic WARZYNSKI, Aarhus University

“Novel methodologies for markup estimation with multiproduct firms”

Shengyu Li
11:25 – 12:25

Shengyu LI, UNSW Sydney

“Productivity and Quality of Multi-product Firms”

Lunch (By Invitation)

Session 2: Economic Shocks and Industry Dynamics 

Chair: Heiwai TANG, HKU Business School

Daniel Yi Xu
14:00 – 15:00

Daniel Yi XU, Duke University

“Regulating conglomerates in China: Evidence from an Energy Conservation Program”
Hong Ma
15:00 – 16:00

Hong MA, Tsinghua University

“Super Factory Comes to Town: Identifying the Agglomeration Spillovers from Foxconn Factory in Henan”

16:00 – 16:15
Coffee Break
Xiaobo Zhang
16:15 – 17:15

Xiaobo ZHANG, Peking University

“How Does Digitization Impact Female Entrepreneurship? Evidence from China”

Arpita Chatterjee
17:15 – 18:15

Arpita CHATTERJEE, IIM Bangalore and UNSW

“Food, Fuel, and Facts: Distributional Effects of External Shocks”

18:45 –

Dinner (By Invitation)
Day 2: June 27, 2023 (Tuesday)
08:30 – 09:00
Eric Verhoogen
09:00 – 10:00

Chair: Shengyu LI, UNSW Sydney

Keynote Speech by Eric VERHOOGEN, Columbia University

“Price-Cost Margins and Quality: Evidence from the Colombian Coffee Sector”

10:00 – 10:15
Coffee Break

Session 3: Output Quality, Trade, and Industry Dynamics

Chair: Haishi Harry LI, HKU Business School

Amber Yao Li
10:15 – 11:15

Yao Amber LI, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

“Bilateral Economies of Scope”

Hongsong ZHANG
11:15 – 12:15

Hongsong ZHANG, HKU Business School

“Tax Policy, Selling Expenses, and the Growth of Young Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from a Tax Incentive Policy”

Hongsong ZHANG

12:15 – 12:20

Concluding remarks for in-room sessions: Hongsong ZHANG, HKU Business School

12:20 – 14:00

Lunch (By Invitation)
14:00 – 18:00

Individual meetings with faculty members and students;

Group discussions on new development of the literature

18:30 –

Dinner (By Invitation)

Keynote Speaker

Eric Verhoogen

Professor Eric VERHOOGEN
Professor, Department of Economics and School of International and Public Affairs
Columbia University

Eric Verhoogen is Professor of International and Public Affairs and Economics at Columbia University. His main research area is industrial development – applied microeconomic research on firms in developing countries. This area overlaps with the fields of development economics, international trade, labour economics, and industrial organization. A recurrent theme in his work is the process of quality upgrading in the manufacturing sectors of developing countries – its causes, consequences, and broader implications.

Organizing Committee

(Sequence is in alphabetical order of surname)
Shengyu Li

Dr Shengyu LI
Senior Lecturer of School of Economics
UNSW Sydney

Dr Hongsong ZHANG
Associate Professor of Economics
HKU Business School