The First Annual Conference
on China and the Global Economy zzz
May 8-9, 2023
The First Annual Conference on China and the Global Economy will be held in May 2023, at The University of Hong Kong. The conference is sponsored by the HKU Business School’s Institute of China Economy. The objective of the conference is to create a forum to discuss new economic research on China and its relationship with the global economy.
Institute of China Economy
HKU Business School
Date: May 8 and 9, 2023
Venue: HKU-iCube, Room 4005-07, 40/F, Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central
Registration: We welcome colleagues, practitioners, and research students to attend the Conference. Please register here. Registration will be closed on April 21, 2023. There is no registration fee*.
* Lunch and dinner will be by invitation. Participants will be responsible to cover the passage and accommodation costs.
Contact: Institute of China Economy, HKU Business School at
Programme Rundown
08:15 – 08:50

Welcome Speech by Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School

09:00 – 10:00
Keynote Speech by Professor Michael Greenstone (via Zoom), University of Chicago
“Can Pollution Markets Work in Developing Countries? Experimental Evidence from India”
Coffee Break and Group Photo

Yu-Hsiang Lei, Yale-NUS College
“Dams, International Rivers and Climate Change: The Impacts of Chinese Dams on the Mekong River”

Aaron Yoon, Northwestern University
“Green financing and politicians’ incentives: Evidence from proprietary loan assessment data”
joint with Meng Lyu, George Y. Yang, Hongqi Yuan

Ying Bai, Chinese University of Hong Kong
“Ideas Mobilize People: The Diffusion of Communist Ideology in China”
joint with Ruixue Jia, Runnan Wang

Wolfgang Keller, University of Colorado Boulder
“Human Capital Strategies for Big Shocks: The Case of the Fall of the Ming”
joint with Carol H. Shiue

Ran Song, National University of Singapore
“Migration Restrictions Can Create Gender Inequality: The Story of China’s Left-Behind Children”
joint with Xuwen Gao, Wenquan Liang, Ahmed Mushfig Mobarak

Wenwei Peng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
“Judicial Independence, Local Protectionism, and Economic Integration: Evidence from China”
joint with Ernest Liu, Yi Lu, and Shaoda Wang
Day 2: May 9, 2023 (Tuesday) – Macro/Trade
08:15 – 09:00

Keynote Speech by Professor Chang-Tai Hsieh, University of Chicago
“Non-Tariff Barriers in the U.S.-China Trade War”
joint with Michael Song and Tuo Chen

Hao Zhou, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
“Bond Financing Channel of Monetary Policy — Evidence from Chinese Policy Bank Lending”
joint with Yi Huang, Bing Lu

Yong Wang, Peking University
“Preferential Credit Policy with Sectoral Markup Heterogeneity”
joint with Kaiji Chen, Yuxuan Huang, Xuewen Liu, Zhikun Lu

Lin Ma, Singapore Management University
“The Distributional Impacts of Transportation Networks in China”
joint with Yang Tang

Bingjing LI, HKU Business School
“Illuminating the Effects of the US-China Tariff War on China’s Economy”
joint with Davin Chor

Peter K. Schott, Yale School of Management
“Trade Liberalization and Labor-Market Outcomes: Evidence from US Matched Employer-Employee Data”

Russell Cooper, European University Institute
“Exporting like China: The Determinants of Trade Status”
joint with Guan Gong, Guanliang Hu, Ping Yan

Closing Remarks by Professor Xiaodong Zhu, Professor and Area Head of Economics, HKU Business School
Keynote Speakers

Professor Michael GREENSTONE
Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in Economics
The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, The University of Chicago
Michael Greenstone is the Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in Economics as well as the Director of the Becker Friedman Institute and the interdisciplinary Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago. He previously served as the Chief Economist for President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, where he co-led the development of the United States Government’s social cost of carbon. He is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow of the Econometric Society, a Carnegie Fellow (aka the “Brainy Award”), and a former editor of the Journal of Political Economy. Formerly, Greenstone was the 3M Professor of Environmental Economics at MIT and directed The Hamilton Project.

Professor Chang-Tai HSIEH
Phyllis and Irwin Winkelried Professor of Economics and PCL Faculty Scholar
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Chang-Tai Hsieh conducts research on growth and development. Hsieh has been a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Banks of San Francisco, New York, and Minneapolis, as well as the World Bank’s Development Economics Group and the Economic Planning Agency in Japan. He is a Research Associate for the National Bureau of Economic Research, a Senior Fellow at the Bureau for Research in Economic Analysis of Development, and a member of the Steering Group of the International Growth Center in London. He is the recipient of an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship, an Elected Member of Academia Sinica, and a two-time recipient of the Sun Ye-Fang Prize.
Organising Committee

Professor Hongbin CAI
Dean, Chair of Economics
HKU Business School

Dr Guojun HE
Associate Professor of Economics, Management and Strategy
HKU Business School

Dr Bingjing LI
Associate Professor of Economics
HKU Business School

Dr Yanhui WU
Associate Professor of Economics
HKU Business School

Dr Hongsong ZHANG
Associate Professor of Economics
HKU Business School

Professor Xiaodong ZHU
Area Head of Economics, Professor of Economics
HKU Business School