Conference on Behavioural Science
in the Age of Smart Technology 2023

July 3, 2023


The Conference on Behavioural Science in the Age of Smart Technology will be held on July 3, 2023, at The University of Hong Kong. The conference is sponsored by the HKU Business School’s Institute of Behavioural and Decision Science (IBDS) and Institute of Digital Economy and Innovation (IDEI). The objective of the conference is to create a forum for researchers from multiple disciplinaries to discuss the behavioural impact of the smart technology. 

Institute of Behavioural and Decision Science (IBDS), and
Institute of Digital Economy and Innovation (IDEI), HKU Business School

Date: July 3, 2023

Venue: Room 4005-7, 40/F, Two Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong

Registration: We welcome colleagues, practitioners, and research students to attend the Conference. Please register here. Registration will be closed on June 15, 2023. There is no registration fee*.

* Lunch and dinner will be by invitation. Participants will be responsible to cover the passage and accommodation costs.

Contact: Institute of Behavioural and Decision Science (IBDS), HKU Business School at

Programme Rundown

8:30-9:00am Registration

Tianyi Li (HKU)

9:00 – 9:45am: Presentation 1
Tianyi Li (HKU)

“On the Nature of Courage: Is Fear Essential?”
joint with David Gal, and Derek D. Rucker

Nicole Kim (PolyU)

9:45 – 10:30 am: Presentation 2
Nicole Kim (PolyU)

Culture for Sale: Unpacking Consumer Perceptions of Cultural Appropriation”
joint with Jason Lin, Esther Uduehi, and Anat Keinan

10:30 – 10:45am: Break

Shirley Xueni Li (HKBU)

10:45 – 11:30 am: Presentation 3
Shirley Xueni Li (HKBU)

“Detrimental Effects of Anthropomorphism on the Perceived Physical Safety of Artificial Agents in Dangerous Situations”
joint with Sara Kim, Kimmy Wa Chan, Ann L. McGill

Lu Fang (HKUST)

11:30am – 12:15pm: Presentation 4
Lu Fang (HKUST)

“Appraising Intrinsic Motivation from Age and Attractiveness”
joint with Anirban Mukhopadhyay

12:15 – 2:15pm: Lunch

Yuwei Jiang (PolyU)

2:15 – 3:00pm: Keynote
Yuwei Jiang (PolyU)

Linying Sophie Fan (HKUST)

3:00 – 3:45pm: Presentation 5
Linying Sophie Fan (HKUST)

“Neighbors as Strangers or Friends? How People’s Self-Construal Affects the Weight of Neighbor Information in Residence Decisions”
joint with Fengyan Cai and Xingning (Fiona) Qu

3:45 – 4:00pm: Break

Lin Ge (CUHK)

4:00 – 4:45pm: Presentation 6
Lin Ge (CUHK)

“Seeing through My Eyes: The Influence of Interface on Consumer Response to Point-of-View Advertisement”
joint with Hao Shen

Krystal (Xunchang) Fang (HKU)

4:45 – 5:30pm: Presentation 7
Krystal (Xunchang) Fang (HKU)

“Breadth versus Depth of Product Knowledge and Preference for Recommendation Agents”
joint with Zhongqiang (Tak) Huang and Sara Kim