The 2024 Joint University Summer Workshop on Information Systems

"AI and Digital Innovation: Exploring the Future of Information Systems"
7-10 July, 2024

About the Workshop

JUSWIS is an annual summer workshop jointly organized by the IS groups at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). All participating universities take turns hosting the event on an annual basis. The theme of the Workshop this year is: “AI and Digital Innovation: Exploring the Future of Information Systems”.

Important Dates:

Full Paper Submission Deadline : 31 May 2024

Final Program Announcement : 10 June 2024

Registration Deadline : 23 June 2024

Workshop : 7-10 July 2024

Invited Guests

Sulin Ba

DePaul University

Susan Brown 

The University of Arizona

Rajiv Kohli

William & Mary School of Business

Suprateek Sarker

University of Viginia

Jason Bennett Thatcher

 University of Colorado Boulder

Anthony Vance

Virginia Tech


 Georgia Institute of Technology

Sean Xu

Tsinghua University

Workshop Co-chairs

Yulin Fang

The University of Hong Kong

Jack Jiang

The University of Hong Kong

Kai Lim

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Weiquan Wang

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Organizing Co-chairs

Michael Chau

The University of Hong Kong

Hailiang Chen

The University of Hong Kong