Program Rundown

July 7 2024 / Sunday

18:30 – 20:30

Dinner (by invitation only)

July 8 2024 / Monday

08:30 – 08:45 


08:45 – 09:15

Welcome Remarks

Professor Hongbin Cai
Professor Zhixi Wan


09:15 – 09:30

Group Photo

09:30 – 10:30 

Keynote Speech

Prof. Sue Brown



Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK201 and KK315

10:45 – 11:45

Breakout Session 1

Track A (KK201)

“Probabilistic Selling Strategies for In-Game Assets Under Negative Network Effects”

Presenter: Ziyi Wang

Advisors: Prof. Suprateek Sarker and Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher

Track B (KK301)

“The Synergistic Effects of AI Support and Family Support on Chronic Illness Management: A Perspective of Optimal Match Theory”

Presenter: Jianhua Yu

Advisors: Prof. Rajiv Kohli, Prof. Anthony Vance and Prof. Sean Xu

Track C (KK315)

“Hype or Hope? Effects of Digital Technology Fashion on User Growth of Digital Ventures: Evidence from the Decentralized Applications”

Presenter: Ran Li

Advisors: Prof. Sulin Ba, Prof. Sue Brown and Prof. DJ Wu

11:45 – 13:30 

Lunch (by invitation only)

13:30 – 14:30

Breakout Session 2

Track A (KK201)

“Perceived Social Norms, Token Rewards, and Cooperation in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)”

Presenter: Sichen Dong

Advisors: Prof. Sue Brown, Prof. Rajiv Kohli and Prof. Anthony Vance

Track B (KK301)

“Piercing Your Shield with Your Spear: Detecting Machine-Generated Fake News Using LLM-Driven Rationales and Adversarial Contrastive Learning”

Presenter: Lionel Zhe Wang

Advisors: Prof. Suprateek Sarker and Prof. Sean Xu

Track C (KK315)

“Fleeting or Lasting Success? Unlocking the Power Durability of Livestream Selling”

Presenter: Yipu Deng

Advisors: Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher and Prof. DJ Wu

14:30 – 14:45

Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK201 and KK315

14:45 – 15:45

Breakout Session 3

Track A (KK201)

“The Impact of AI Summary on Information Content Consumption: Evidence from an Online Video-sharing Platform”

Presenter: Jie Song

Advisors: Prof. DJ Wu, and Prof. Sean Xu

Track B (KK301)

“Gender Gap on Digital Platforms and Female-exclusive Support”

Presenter: Yu Xia

Advisors: Prof. Sulin Ba, Prof. Sue Brown and Prof. Rajiv Kohli

Track C (KK315)

“Exploring the Influence of Machine Learning
on Organizational Learning: An Empirical Analysis of Publicly Listed Organizations”

Presenter: Myunghwan Lee

Advisors: Prof. Suprateek Sarker, Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher and Prof. Anthony Vance

15:45 – 16:00

Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK201 and KK315

16:00 – 17:00

Breakout Session 4

Track A (KK201)

“Blockchains: Fusing Platform Functionalities Under the CAP Tradeoff”

Presenter: Tianyi Li

Advisors: Prof. Sulin Ba and Prof. DJ Wu

Track B (KK301)

“Artificial Van Gogh: Empirical Evidence of Generative AI’s Impact on Digital Art Market”

Presenter: Bingjie Qian

Advisors: Prof. Sue Brown, Prof. Suprateek Sarker and Prof. Sean Xu

Track C (KK315)

“Likes Unlocked: An Experimental Study to Examine the Impact of Likes on Consumer Decision-Making”

Presenter: Jenny Jin

Advisors: Prof. Rajiv Kohli and Prof. Anthony Vance

18:00 – 20:30

Dinner (by invitation only)

July 9 2024 / Tuesday

08:45 – 09:45 

Keynote Speech

“The Empirical Tradition and the (Presumed) Theoretical Contribution Imperative Enacted in Leading IS Journals: Some Considerations for Authors and Reviewers”.

Prof. Suprateek Sarker


09:45 – 10:00

Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK201 and KK315

10:00 – 11:00

Breakout Session 5

Track A (KK201)

““Open Source” on Crowdsourcing Contest Platforms: A Pathway to Innovation or a
Pitfall to Avoid?”

Presenter: Yang Liu

Advisors: Prof. Sue Brown and Prof. Sean Xu

Track B (KK301)

“Now You See Me! Identifying the Impact of Online-to-Offline Franchise in Retailing”

Presenter: Shengjun Mao

Advisors: Prof. Sulin Ba and Prof. DJ Wu

Track C (KK315)

“Helper or Troublemaker? Disentangling the Impact of Artificial Intelligence Service Agents on the Workload of Human Service Agents in Hybrid Service Agents”

Presenter: Bin Li

Advisors: Prof. Rajiv Kohli and Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher

11:00 – 11:15

Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK201 and KK315

11:15 – 12:15

Breakout Session 6

Track A (KK201)

“A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Evaluating Experts’ Decision Quality in High-Risk Instances”

Presenter: Wanxue Dong

Advisors: Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher and Prof. DJ Wu

Track B (KK301)

“From Simulation to Emulation: How Human-Like Features Affect AI Usage”

Presenter: Hongyi Wu

Advisors: Prof. Sue Brown and Prof. Suprateek Sarker

Track C (KK315)

“The Multidimensional Value of Organizational Information Systems for Employees in Dirty Work: A Self-Esteem Perspective”

Presenter: Jing Gong

Advisors: Prof. Sulin Ba, Prof. Anthony Vance and Prof. Sean Xu

12:15 – 14:00

Lunch (by invitation only)

14:00 – 15:00

Breakout Session 7

Track A (KK202)

“A Neural Consumer Choice Model”

Presenter: Dongcheng Zhang

Advisors: Prof. Suprateek Sarker and Prof. DJ Wu

Track B (KK301)

“Unraveling Embodied Experience: An Investigation of the Impact of Immersive Virtual Reality on Information Elaboration and Novelty-seeking Behavior”

Presenter: Runge Zhu

Advisors: Prof. Sue Brown, Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher and Prof. Anthony Vance

Track C (KK315)

“Influence of Leaderboard and Trial Space on Large Language Models Popularity: Empirical Evidence from Hugging Face Platform”

Presenter: Jicheng Zeng

Advisors: Prof. Sulin Ba, Prof. Sean Xu and Prof. Rajiv Kohli

15:00 – 15:15

Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK202 and KK315

15:15 – 16:15

Keynote Speech

“Thoughts on Human-AI Frontier”

Prof. DJ Wu


16:15 – 16:30

Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK202 and KK315

16:30 – 17:30

Breakout Session 8

Track A (KK202)

“Shared Memory, Shared Resilience? Exploring the Role of Transactive Memory Systems in Virtual Teams”

Presenter: Wenchao Du

Advisors: Prof. Rajiv Kohli and Prof. Anthony Vance

Track B (KK301)

“From Consumers to Providers: The Influence of Consumption Behavior on Service Provision in Live-Streaming Platforms”

Presenter: Xinyan Yao

Advisors: Prof. Sulin Ba, Prof. Suprateek Sarker and Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher

Track C (KK315)


18:00 – 20:30

Dinner (by invitation only)

July 10 2024 / Wednesday

08:45 – 09:45

Breakout Session 9

Track A (KK1121)

“The Role of Prosocial Behavior in Goal Attainment Incentive: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Live Streaming”

Presenter: Zhe Jing

Advisors: Prof. DJ Wu and Prof. Rajiv Kohli

Track B (KK301)

“Betting on China: US-China Tech Rivalry and Evolution of the IT Venture Capital Ecosystem”

Presenter: Hongfei Li

Advisors: Prof. Sue Brown, Prof. Suprateek Sarker and Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher

Track C (KK315)

“Digital Nudging through Manipulation of Price Expectation”

Presenter: Yuting Gao

Advisors: Prof. Sulin Ba and Prof. Anthony Vance

09:45 – 10:00

Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK1121 and KK315

10:00 – 11:00

Individual Meetings

11:00 – 11:15

Coffee/Tea Break

Outside KK315

11:15 – 12:15

Individual Meetings

12:15 – 14:00

Lunch (by invitation only)