Prof. Roni Michaely and Prof. Guojun He
HKU Business School held its Inaugural ESG Conference
On 24 November 2023, the HKU Business School held its Inaugural ESG Conference, setting the stage for impactful discussions on cutting-edge research findings and recommendations for pressing environmental and social challenges……
Prof. Guojun He
Making China’s Carbon Market to Work: Additions and Subtractions
Prof. Guojun He
Reducing Influence Activities at Workplace
Prof. Guojun He
The Health Costs of Surging Electricity Tariffs
Prof. Guojun He
HKU Business School’s research shows that green nudges bring nontrivial aggregate environmental benefits
Plastic waste is a global threat that endangers marine and freshwater ecosystems. In 2021, more than 400 million metric tons of plastic waste were produced worldwide. More recently, as food-delivery services became increasingly popular during COVID-19 pandemic……
Prof. Roni Michaely
Exploring Sustainability in Finance: Professor Roni Michaely’s Quest to Combat Climate Change
Driven by a willingness to cope with challenges and a curious mind, Professor Roni Michaely chose to become a scholar and is currently, a professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship at The University of Hong Kong……
Prof. Roni Michaely
Studies on Consumer Reactions to Corporate ESG Performance: Evidence from Store Visits wins “Best Paper in Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions” of the 2023 European Conference
Prof. David Bishop
HKU Business School Teacher Mr. David L. Bishop receives the University’s Distinguished Teaching Award
On December 7, 2022, the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) announced the recipients of the University’s Teaching Excellence Awards (TEAS) 2022. Mr. David Bishop in the Faculty of Business and Economics received the University Distinguished Teaching Award…..
Prof. David Bishop
2023 UGC Teaching Award celebrates teaching excellence
The University Grants Committee (UGC) held a presentation ceremony for the 2023 UGC Teaching Award today (September 27) to honour academics from the UGC-funded universities for……
Prof. David Bishop
港大Impact Lab累計為1200學生提供實踐機會
港大經管學院實踐學習課程Impact Lab成立十周年,共培養近1,200名學生的可轉移技能,貢獻約136,000小時的工作時間予超過50家社會組織,其中97%學生表示課程提高就業競爭力。