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Environmental Economics
Sustainable and Green Finance
Corporate Enterprise
Social Enterprise
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Other Publications
Prof. Guojun He
Does the Squeaky Wheel Get More Grease? The Direct and Indirect Effects of Citizen Participation on Environmental Governance in China
We conducted a nationwide field experiment in China to evaluate the direct and indirect impacts of assigning firms to public or private citizen appeals when they violate pollution standards……
Prof. Guojun He
Energy Saving May Kill: Evidence from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Following the Fukushima nuclear accident, Japan gradually shut down all its nuclear power plants, causing a countrywide power shortage. In response the government launched large-scale energy-saving campaigns to reduce electricity consumption……
Prof. Guojun He
Subjective Performance Evaluation, Influence Activities, and Bureaucratic Work Behavior: Evidence from China
Employees might devote too much effort to pleasing their evaluator, relative to working toward the goals of the organization itself. We conduct a randomized field experiment among Chinese local civil servants to study the existence and implications of influence activities……
Prof. Guojun He
Reducing single-use cutlery with green nudges: Evidence from China’s food-delivery industry
Defaulting to “no cutlery” and rewarding consumers with “green points” promoted behaviors that reduced plastic waste……
Prof. Roni Michaely
Do Differences in Analyst Quality Matter for Investors Relying on Consensus Information?
This study investigates whether investors can reap economic benefits from analyzing differences in analyst quality. Although high-quality analysts’ average forecast is more accurate than the consensus forecast for firms with a large analyst following, the benefits of using high-quality analysts’ average forecasts are not economically significant……
Prof. Roni Michaely
Does Socially Responsible Investing Change Firm Behavior?
Using micro-level data, we examine the behavior of socially responsible investment (SRI) funds. SRI funds select firms with lower pollution, more board diversity, higher employee satisfaction……
Prof. Jeffrey Ng
The Effect of Mandatory Climate Risk Disclosure on Environmentally Responsible Investing: Evidence from the U.S. Insurance Industry
We examine the effect of mandatory climate risk disclosure on insurers’ investment portfolios by exploiting the U.S. insurance industry’s adoption of the Climate Risk Disclosure Survey (CRDS), which mandates that qualified insurers report their climate risk……
Prof. Jeffrey Ng
Transmission Effect from Insurers’ Climate Risk Disclosures on Their Corporate Bond Investees’ Environmental Friendliness
We investigate how insurers’ mandatory climate risk disclosure affects their corporate bond investees’ environmental friendliness. We employ the U.S. insurance industry’s adoption of the Climate Risk Disclosure Survey (CRDS) and a difference-in-differences research design……
Prof. Junhong Chu
Air Pollution as a Determinant of Food Delivery and Related Plastic Waste
Plastic waste is a growing environmental concern. The food delivery industry is criticized for its environmental impact, especially its current use of plastic packaging. At the same time, the environment impacts the industry. We show that air pollution is a behavioural driver of food delivery consumption in the urban developing world……