Join HKU Business and Economics Alumni Association Connect with alumni worldwide
The success of any school rests upon the success of its graduates, who through their professional and personal achievements will bring honour to their alma mater.
To further strengthen the links between HKU Business School and its alumni, the faculty level alumni association – HKU Business and Economics Alumni Association (HKUBEAA) is officially established with the support and encouragement from all HKU Business School alumni. HKUBEAA is committed to connect every alumni worldwide, and develop a thriving community for alumni to network with, and support one another, in their ongoing professional and personal development.
HKUBEAA membership is now open to all graduates who wish to join. Don’t miss out the chance to join our global alumni network and get a HKU Business School Cardholder. Apply here.
Working together we aim to support both the future ambitions of our alumni community and HKU Business School.
For more information of HKUBEAA: http://www.hkubeaa.org
Stay connected with FBE: https://www.hkubs.hku.hk/alumni