HKU Business School Achieved World 13th in Financial Times’ Research Ranking

HKU Business School Achieved World 13th in Financial Times’ Research Ranking

HKU Business School secured the 13th position globally in the Aggregated Research Ranking by the Financial Times and is also the #1 from Asia on the list. Unlike other existing rankings that mostly assess research productivity, this ranking emphasises the importance of overall research impact based on the resonance and relevance, recognising the School’s capability in impactful research at world-class level.

Professor Hongbin CAI, Dean and Chair of Economics at HKU Business School, stating, “Innovative and impactful research is the key to addressing global challenges we face today. To ensure a rich and balanced faculty for research excellence, we proactively bring together esteemed scholars with diverse backgrounds and expertise from around the globe. We will continue to pursue impactful research and high-quality education for future generations.”

Top 15 on FT Aggregated research ranking

HKU Business School’s exceptional faculty comprises nearly 200 outstanding scholars from 20 different countries and regions. Many faculty members have received international academic recognition, leading in prestigious journals and producing award-winning research. Their achievements have also garnered significant recognition from government and external organizations.

Excellence in Research and Innovation Initiatives:

  • The HKU Business School established nine research centres and institutes that play a crucial role in interdisciplinary research.
  • Faculty members have been elected as fellows of prominent international societies, including the Econometric Society, the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research, and the Academy of International Business.
  • Faculty members serve as editors for prestigious journals, including the American Economic Review and MIS Quarterly.
  • Faculty members have won prestigious awards, such as the Pagano and Zechner Award for Best Non-Investment Paper and the Arthur H. Cole Prize from the Economic History Association.
  • Faculty members have awarded significant grants for impactful projects, including the National Social Science Fund Major Research Plan, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars by the NSFC, and the RGC Areas of Excellence Scheme.
  • Faculty members were invited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize in Economics.
  • The Faculty’s Asia Case Research Centre has developed a repository of business cases that are highly popular worldwide, with its cases available on the ACRC website and through Harvard Business School Publishing, Ivey Publishing and The Case Centre.
  • The faculty publishes the annual “Hong Kong Economic Policy Green Paper” which analyses the key areas of Hong Kong’s economic policy.
  • We have also launched the inaugural Sustainability Report this year. As the first business school in Hong Kong to publish a standalone sustainability report, we strive to make a lasting impact on the community’s long-term development.

As HKU Business School continues to build on this success, it remains dedicated to its mission of advancing the frontiers of business and economic knowledge by fostering impactful research that addresses significant regional and global issues.

For more details of the ranking, please visit:


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