HKU Business School Announces the Official Launch of the Representative Office of HKU in Vietnam

HKU Business School Announces the Official Launch of the Representative Office of HKU in Vietnam

HKU Business School announced the official launch of the Representative Office of HKU in Vietnam (HKU Vietnam Office) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on July 27, 2022. Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School, led a delegation to join the opening ceremony, celebrating this important milestone with over 100 alumni, corporate partners and distinguished guests.

The HKU Vietnam Office has two missions: to recruit and nurture international talent and signify the global presence of HKU Business School. With the establishment of the HKU Vietnam Office, HKU Business School is well positioned to promote and facilitate cooperation between the business communities in Vietnam and Hong Kong, to strengthen our impact globally and to become a top business school in the world.


Highlights of the Ceremony:

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