HKUBS and Alibaba Cloud Academy Launched the First Undergraduate Course in Cloud Computing

HKU Business School and Alibaba Cloud Academy successfully launched the first cloud computing credit course for undergraduate students. In the second semester of 2023/24, over 50 students worldwide enrolled in the course. Nearly 90% of the students attained the Alibaba Cloud Associate (ACA) Cloud Computing Certification at the end of the course.

The comprehensive curriculum leveraged Alibaba Cloud Academy’s resources to introduce key cloud computing concepts to our students and provide real-life industry scenarios to accelerate their learning. Our students immersed themselves in a comprehensive curriculum curated by Alibaba Cloud Academy, diving into cutting-edge technologies and practical applications of the Alibaba Cloud ecosystem. Seamlessly blending technical prowess with business acumen, they explored the intersection of Alibaba Cloud’s technology and their own entrepreneurial ideas, helping them understand cloud computing’s transformative potential. Alibaba Cloud also extended unwavering support for the students’ commercial projects with utmost dedication. The culmination of the course saw students equipped with academic knowledge and practical experience. Several students also secured coveted roles in cloud computing-related fields post-graduation.

HKU Students at Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong Office

Cloud Computing Credit Course Session at HKU

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