Congratulations to all winners of the Faculty researcher awards

Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award 2022-23

Dr. Hailiang Chen receives INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS) Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award 2022
Professor Hailiang Chen

Professor Hailing Chen has been awarded the Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award 2022-23. Professor Chen’s research focuses on social media, FinTech, and data analytics. The recognition of his advancement was evidenced by having five articles published in “A” journals over the past five years, including Information Systems Research; Journal of Financial Economics; Journal of Management Information Systems and Management Science. He was also very productive in grant applications. He received four GRF grants with an amount of HK$2.85M. His 2021 ISR paper received the award of Essential Science Indicators’ (ESI) Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% in the field of Social Sciences, General).

Faculty Output Prize 2022

Dr. Jinzhao Du

The aim of the prize was to honour  Faculty’s best research output published in the preceding calendar year. Dr. Jinzhao Du was awarded the Faculty Output Prize 2022 for the publication:

Wilfred Amaldoss, Jinzhao Du, and Woochoel Shin (2021),“Media Platforms’ Content Provision Strategies and Sources of Profits,” Marketing Science, 40 (3), 527-547.

This paper creatively emplies a three-sided game-theoretical model, which incorporates the interaction between a media platform and three groups of strategic players: consumers, advertisers, and content suppliers. It generates new and important insights on a media platform’s content provision strategies and their implications for platforms’ profits and content suppliers’ profits. The paper was published at Marketing Science, the leading journal in the field of marketing and is the first Marketing Science publication that is affiliated with HKU

Faculty KE Award 2023

HKU Summer Workshop on Innovation and Information Management HKU Summer Workshop on Innovation and Information Management
Professor Haipeng Shen, Dr Dan Yang and Dr Zhengli Wang

Prof. Shen, Dr. Yang, and Dr. Wang received the Faculty KE Award 2023 for the KE project “Transforming Industries: Empowering Organizations through Big Data Analytics.”

The teams has consistently participated in KE activities, leading to significant advancements in the application of big data analysis and machine learning across diverse industries. Their involvement has sparked transformative changes in organizational operations within mainland China and the Greater Bay Area, spanning sectors such as healthcare, finance, real estate, banking, dairy, and manufacturing.

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