FBE student takes home top prize in EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2019

Congratulations to WONG Ka Ki Eunice, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 4, taking home the Second Prize in the EY’s Young Tax Professional of the Year 2019 (National Competition). The competition was successfully held on 30 March in Shanghai, and gathered top winners from other cities in the Greater China. Eunice has previously outperformed over 100 participants from different local universities, and won the First Prize and My Most Favourite Presenter Award in the Local Competition. This is the third consecutive year for FBE students to seize the championship in the local competition. Dr. Christina Ng, Principal Lecturer, is the faculty advisor of the competition.

Going through the two major rounds in Hong Kong and Shanghai, Eunice felt honoured to be part of the competition, “It has definitely aroused my great interest for Hong Kong and international tax. One thing that taxation fascinates me most is that there are no right or wrong answers in most of the cases. The tax planners have to work around the issues with critical and creative thinking, given that the general standards are complied with.”

“The most challenging part of the competition is to learn the taxation systems of China and other countries when preparing for the national round. The differences in the types of tax charged and the double taxation agreements between jurisdictions make tax planning way more sophisticated than I thought before.”

Eunice also said that the competition was a great opportunity for her to enhance the technical knowledge and to meet talents from other regions, “The expereince and connection made are definitely valuable to my future career development. I would encourage my cohorts to join this programme in the future”.

During the final competition, participants were given a case study to express their views in group debate. Shortlisted finalists then did an individual presentation to a panel of judges, showing their technical skills and competenecies in tax technical, reasoning, presentation and communication.

Established in 2010, the EY’s Young Tax Professional of the Year is an international competition designed to identify young talent with an interest in tax, help them enhance their professional skills and develop their careers. The competition gives participants the opportunity to share experiences with people from a range of backgrounds and cultures, and exposes them to the skills required to be tomorrow’s tax leaders.

Dr. Christina Ng (first from left) is the faculty advisor of the competition.  

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