FBE Teams Present Winning Cases on Creating Shared Value

Hong Kong Shared Good Values Case Competition aims at inspiring young people to become future leaders who embrace the idea of “Creating Shared Value”. Participating teams attended an intensive mentorship session, followed by submitting proposals aligned with the core business ventures of selected companies. In 2018, the two supporting organisations are Airport Authority Hong Kong and St. James’ Settlement. By adopting the CSV approach and business mindset, contestants provided recommendations in their proposals on expanding Airport Authority’s community investment project ‘Extra Mile’ or improving the operations of social eco enterprises under St. James’ Settlement ‘Green Ladies’ and ‘Green Little’. Sixty-seven teams joined the competition this year. 

Big Congratulations to HKUFBE teams who altogether won five out of six prizes in the competition (four teams consist of FBE students only, and one consists of both FBE and students from other university), and their ideas might be adopted by the supporting organisations.

The winning teams and their team members are:

I) Airport Authority Hong Kong Case Category

Champion – Team ATHIATION 

Mr. Li Cheuk Lun, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 4

Mr. Fung Chun Kit, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 4

Mr. Ng Suen Ngai, BBA(IBGM), Year 4


1st Runner-up – Team Silver Liners 

Mr. Ma Chuangsen, BBA(IBGM), Year 2

Miss Do Ki Wai BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2

(Remarks: This team comprises 2 more members from other Universities in Hong Kong.)


II) St. James' Settlement Case Category

Champion – Team I TREASURE

Miss Chan Ka Wing, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3

Miss Fong Yin Wai, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3

Miss Chung Yi Han, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3


1st Runner-up – Team The INNOVEST

Mr. Lam Cheuk Ting, BEcon&Fin, Year 1

Miss Mok Jovy, BBA(IBGM), Year 1

Miss Cheng Kwan Lok, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 1

Miss Au-Yeung Wing Lam, BSc(QFin), Year 1


2nd Runner-up – Team The Evergreens

Miss Hui Yi Lam Yvonne, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 1

Miss Chung Yu, BSc(QFin), Year 1

Miss Ngai Jennifer Wing Yee, BBA(Acc&Fin),  Year 1

Champion of the Airport Authority Hong Kong case category - Team ATHIATION. Members include Mr. Li Cheuk Lun, Mr. Ng Suen Ngai and Mr. Fung Chun Kit and (2nd to 4th from left).     Champion of the St. James' Settlement case category - Team I TREASURE. Members include Miss Fong Yin Wai, Miss Chan Ka Wing, and Miss Chung Yi Han (3rd to 5th from left).
1st Runner-up of the Airport Authority Hong Kong case category - Team Silver Liners. FBE members include Mr. Ma Chuangsen and Miss Do Ki Wai (3rd and 4th from right).     1st Runner-up of the St. James' Settlement case category - Team The INNOVEST. Members include Mr. Lam Cheuk Ting, Miss Mok Jovy, Miss Cheng Kwan Lok and Miss Au-Yeung Wing Lam (2nd to 5th from left).
2nd Runner-up of the St. James' Settlement case category - Team The Evergreens. Members include Miss Ngai Jennifer Wing Yee, Miss Chung Yu and Miss Hui Yi Lam Yvonne (2nd to 4th from right).
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