FBE Teams Win Championship and 1st Runner-up at Oliver Wyman Impact Hong Kong 2018

Two teams of undergraduate business students represented HKUFBE to take part in the Oliver Wyman Impact 2018 and bring home the Champion and 1st Runner-up in the final round. 

Oliver Wyman Impact is a business case competition held in Hong Kong, targeting students who are interested in exploring a career in strategy consulting. This case competition focuses on strategic trends that are directly impacting businesses and society. 

Participating teams were required to develop a proposal with their recommendation to advise how businesses should respond to such trends and present it to a panel of judges from Oliver Wyman.

Two team members are as follows: 

Miss Chan Yuen Yu, BBA(IBGM), Year 2
Miss Li Hui Tou Vanessa, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2
Miss Moy Yee Ching, BBA(IBGM), Year 2
Mr. Ng Ngo Tin, BBA, Year 2

1st Runner-up
Miss Bi Yuwei, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 4
Miss Han Shichen, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3
Miss Xing Haiyi, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3
Miss Zhang Yuchen, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3

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