
The HKU-Accenture Business Consulting Programme aims to give students the exposure to business consulting, equip them with fundamental skills and methodologies for delivering values to big enterprises. Echoing the tagline “Inspire.Empower.Lead” of the HKU Business School, the Programme has INSPIRED and EMPOWERED students to LEAD their own way to success and make a difference in the world.

The Programme complements students’ regular classroom learnings with interactive classes, putting theory into practice through case study exercises. Students also benefit from the in-depth exchanges with industry professionals.

The Programme is ended with a case competition held on March 20, 2021. In response to the impact brought by the pandemic, students were expected to suggest recommendations to a business hard hit under such climate. Judges from Accenture and HKU Business School were impressed by students’ creativity and resourcefulness.

Gear up for your future business journey

Mr. Ravi Chhabra, Managing Director, Financial Services Hong Kong Lead, Accenture (middle) presents the prize to the Champion team. (Students from left to right) Ng Jade Joyce, BBA(Law)&LLB year 3; Jiang Zhikun, BEcon&Fin, year 2; Leung Si Yiu, BBA(Acc&Fin), year 4 and Chen Minyang, BBA(Acc&Fin), year 3


Gear up for your future business journey

Mr. Ravi Chhabra presents The Most Innovative and Most Profitable Concept Award to the students. (Students from left to right) Xu Yikang, BEcon, year 3; Sheung Chi Long, BBA(IBGM), year 2; Ryou Soo Min, BBA, year 2; Lam Yuk Lung, BBA(Law)&LLB, year 3 and Chan Lok Yu, BBA(Law)&LLB, year 3.


Gear up for your future business journey

Ms. Christina Wong, Managing Director, Greater China Consulting Lead, Accenture (right) presents The Best Presenter award to Ryou Soo Min, BBA, year 2 (left).

Stepping into the fifth year, this collaboration continues to groom our young generation. This year, 39 students have completed the Programme with flying colours.

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