HKU Business School Career Fair 2022-23: Investing in HKU Business School’s Global Talent – Explore & Embark!

The HKU Business School Career Fair was successfully held on 29 September 2022 (Thursday). The event received huge support from over 100 HR professionals and experts from nearly 60 respected companies. Over 800 students from MBA, Taught Postgraduate and Undergraduate level visited the booths to expand their horizons and explore their career interests.

This year, the theme of our Career Fair was “Investing in HKU Business School’s Global Talent – Explore & Embark!”. To help our students discover exciting career opportunities and cater to their wide range of interests, our Career Development and Training team invited corporate partners from numerous industries to this event. We welcomed leading corporations specialising in industries such as asset management, banking, consulting, finance, professional services, fintech, investment, luxury and real estate. Students also had the opportunity to interact with multinational conglomerates and companies offering e-commerce services, consumer goods and services, data & software services, internet technology services, information-related services, automobiles, and many more. Also, similar to previous years, we hired several career trainers to provide career coaching services for our undergraduate students in the fair.

The event has proved to be an essential platform for connecting our students with corporate partners from diverse industries to establish professional relationships. It has also given our students the chance to navigate the job market, and most importantly, gain industry insights and exposure to relevant internship and job opportunities. The Career Fair wouldn’t have achieved a great success without the tremendous support of our corporate partners.


Professor Yuk-fai FONG, Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate) delivered a welcoming speech to all participating employers.


Professor Yuk-fai FONG, Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate) and Mr. Sachin TIPNIS, Senior Executive Director (Taught Postgraduate) mingled with various HR professionals at the Career Fair.


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