HKU Business School Career Fair 2023-24: Investing in HKU Business School’s Global Talent – Engage & Excel!

Group photo of all participated company representatives


Professor Echo Wan, Associate Dean (MBA) delivered a welcoming speech to all participating employers.


Prof. Echo WAN, Associate Dean (MBA) and Dr. Derek CHAN, Associate Dean (Undergraduate) joined the fair on behalf of the HKU Business School and present Souvenir to appreciate the support from all employer representatives.


The HKU Business School Career Fair was successfully held on 26 September 2023 (Tuesday). The fairwas an extraordinary event and exclusive for Business School Students where all together over 60 renowned companies and more than 100 HR executives and industry experts. Under the theme of “Investing in HKU Business School’s Global Talent – Engage & Excel!”, the event aimed to provide all HKUBS students with unparalleled opportunities to connect, engage, and excel in their future careers.

To better fulfil the diverse career aspirations of each students, the school’s Career Development and Training team invited corporate partners from a wide range of industries to the fair, including asset management, banking, consulting, finance, fintech, investment, professional services, luxury retail and real estate. Meanwhile, global conglomerates offering e-commerce services, consumer goods and services, data and software services, internet technology services, technology promotion and application services, digital automation and energy management, among others, also attended the 2023’s event.

The HKU Business School Career Fair not only provided an avenue for networking but also facilitated the exchange of ideas and knowledge. It is delighted to see that each students seized this unique opportunity to interact with professionals, gain insights into various industries, stay abreast of emerging trends and build meaningful connections that could shape their career journeys. On the event day, over 1,000 students, ranging from undergraduates to postgraduates, attended the fair to mingle with company representatives and explore career opportunities.


Students seize the opportunity to interact with recruiters and industry professionals from various renowned firms.


Furthermore, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to each of the corporate partners who support in the Career Fair and provided valuable industry information and sharing with our students. The presence and active involvement made the event truly exceptional, creating an environment of collaboration and growth. Stay tuned for our future events and initiatives that will further empower our students and nurture future business talents!

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