HKU Business School Received Record-High Funding of $16 million from RGC and Achieved Highest Success Rate in the Business Studies Panel

HKU Business School strives to become the leading powerhouse of research and knowledge creation in Asia with global impact. In the recent announcement by the Research Grants Council (RGC), The School attained encouraging results on the two competitive research funding schemes, General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS), which are both initiatives to encourage and support academics to pursue research excellence.

The total amount of funding received by HKU Business School from the two schemes hits a new record high of $16 million, which is a 11% increase from $14.4 million in 2020/21. The overall success rate of 47% is the highest among the Business Studies Panel. This rate is also above the Panel average of 36%.

Our School also yielded the best performance among all participating institutions in the Business Studies Panel in ECS. The success rate of 75% topped the rank among others in the Business Studies Panel. There is also a record-high funding amounted to $3.6 million, which represented a significant growth of 80% as compared with that in 2020/21.

This encouraging result in GRF and ECS is the concerted efforts of all faculty members, which also signifies our commitment to fulfilling the vision of becoming a leading, globally impactful academic institution of business and economics. HKU Business School has been proactively recruiting global scholars to strengthen our research capability and enable impactful research. In the past 3 years, over 40 outstanding scholars joined HKU Business School from all over the world, enabling the School to further pursue academic excellence, advance the knowledge frontiers and achieve new heights.

Looking forward, HKU Business School will continue to work together, through research and knowledge exchange initiatives, with a wide spectrum of stakeholders of the society, aiming to contribute our expertise in the development of the community and to create positive impact locally and globally.

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