Statement: Upholding Academic Integrity at HKU Business School

Statement: Upholding Academic Integrity at HKU Business School

HKU Business School as one of the top business schools in Asia and the world, attracts over 20,000 postgraduate programme applicants annually, including many outstanding students. The intense competition has led to high admission standards, but unfortunately, it has also attracted suspected illegal agencies who provide fraudulent documents to help applicants secure admission qualifications through fraud. Documents required for admission application, such as academic certificates and transcripts, and the verification procedures comply with the existing regulations of the University of Hong Kong.

Regrettably, we have recently identified very few concerning cases involving the submission of fraudulent documents during the admissions process. We have also discovered that certain agencies have been involved in fabricating application materials. Those agencies claim to provide so-called ‘guaranteed admission’ services, seeking to gain unfair advantages for their clients by forging documents.

We unequivocally condemn any acts of dishonesty and reaffirm our zero-tolerance policy towards any form of academic misconduct. We have taken immediate action and are conducting a thorough investigation into this matter. In the event that any cases are confirmed, we will implement all necessary disciplinary and legal measures as mandated by the University and the law. This may include rescinding admission offers, nullifying enrolment and referring cases to legal authorities. If any agencies are found to be complicit, we will cooperate with the relevant legal authorities to ensure they are held accountable.

We at HKU Business School are committed to fostering a fair and nurturing environment for all students where they can grow and thrive. We will ensure that the achievements and successes of the vast majority of our students who have rightfully earned a place in our esteemed programs through their dedication and hard work are not be tainted by the actions of a few.

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