Student-led Social Supermarket Bags Championship and Best Presentation Awards in HK Social Enterprise Challenge

Congratulations to team “GreenPrice” formed by four FBE students and two students from other institutions, which won one of the Champions (two in total) and the Best Presentation Award in the Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (HKSEC) 2017-18! 

In HKSEC, students have to employ creative entrepreneurial approaches to solve real world social issues through a structured competition model. Trainings are provided to them through a series of social entrepreneurial seminars, workshops and an online self-learning platform. Participants can also exchange ideas with executives from the commercial sector.

The Challenge is open to students and graduates from all institutions. 82 teams participated this year. Teams that entered the semi-final each presented a detailed social venture plan that illustrated a serious problem it seeks to address. They are required to elaborate also on the market needs, the competitive landscape, the potential risks and strategies for managing those risks, as well as the social impacts it would generate. 

 “GreenPrice” runs a real social supermarket ( that resells safe and decent groceries that are getting close to, or have just passed their “best before” dates. The reselling is done lawfully and at bottom prices through multiple distribution channels, through which the public is educated about the food waste problem and the “best before” date concept.

Thanks to Faculty Advisor Dr. Ernest Lo, and the team’s FBE members are:

Mr. Hon Chun Him, BBA, Year 3
Mr. So Hon Wan, BEcon&Fin, Year 3
Mr. Chau Chun Yin, BEcon&Fin, Year 3

Dr. Ernest Lo and Mr. Hon Chun Him (1st and 2nd from right); Mr. So Hon Wan (2nd from left)     Mr. Hon Chun Him (left) with a GreenPrice staff
Mr. Hon Chun Him and Mr. So Hon Wan (1st and 2nd from left), Mr. Chau Chun Yin (2nd from right)
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