1,500 Alumni Return for HKU Business School’s Inaugural Homecoming Weekend

The inaugural HKU Business School Alumni Homecoming Weekend has marked an exhilarating start to 2024! Thank you to the 1,500 alumni who joined us from March 15 to 17 for this unforgettable series of events, filled with learning, networking, and reminiscing.

Day 1 – March 15, we kicked off the weekend with a nostalgic Campus Tour at HKU, followed by an enlightening Luncheon Talk by Prof. Michael B. Wong on Hong Kong’s housing market. We also had an amazing time taking 100 alumni on a Company Visit to Cathay Pacific Airways, where they had the rare opportunity to sit in a flight simulator. Additionally, our visit to Lee Kum Kee Company Limited was an incredible experience that highlighted the importance of family cooperation. We want to express our sincere gratitude to both companies for their flawless organization and warm hospitality.

Day 2 – March 16 featured a captivating Distinguished Lecture by Mr. Algernon Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development on Hong Kong’s vision for sustainable economic growth. The day concluded with our dazzling HKU Business School Alumni Gala Dinner, where friendships were rekindled and memories were made.

On Day 3 – March 17, we celebrated sports and business synergy at our Sports and Business Forum, featuring three of Hong Kong’s most famous athletic heroes (including our very own celebrity alumnus, Alex Fong!), three iconic global sporting brands, our elite sports scholars who competed in the Hangzhou Asian Games, and a star Silicon Valley alumnus entrepreneur.

A heartfelt thank you to all our alumni for making this homecoming weekend a roaring success! We hope you left with new insights, valuable connections, and fond memories of your time at HKU Business School. Stay connected and see you at future alumni events!

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