A Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business School

A Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business School

A Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business SchoolA Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business SchoolA Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business SchoolA Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business SchoolA Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business SchoolA Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business School

In celebration of the commencement of the new academic year, HKU Business School is fully prepared to greet the undergraduate freshmen of the 2024-25 intake and incoming exchange students with a diverse range of engaging and informative orientation activities commencing in mid-August 2024.

  • August 19 | Faculty Academic Induction Talk: Serving as the official welcome to all undergraduate freshmen of the 2024-25 intake, the Academic Induction Talk offers an overview of studies and university life for each student. It acknowledges the valuable support from senior students who share their enriching experiences, various experiential learning opportunities, insights from Student Associations, as well as contributions from the University Equal Opportunity Unit and CEDARS. These interactions signify the University’s dedication to nurturing and unlocking the potential of each freshman throughout their four-year academic journey.


  • August 22 – September 3 | 8 Sessions of Programme Induction Sessions for Freshmen across 11 Undergraduate Programmes: With the generous support of all Programme Directors and Deputy Programme Directors, freshmen have the opportunity to connect with their peers, gain deeper insights into their respective majors, and receive practical advice and tips from senior students and alumni.


  • August 28 | Career Orientation for Undergraduate Freshmen: This session, a novel and customized initiative, aims to introduce freshmen to the resources and support provided by our Undergraduate Career Development & Training (CDT) Team. It equips them with a foundational understanding of how to initiate their career exploration during their tenure at HKU Business School. Through interactive engagement, over 100 freshmen actively seek advice, engage in discussions and network with our Professional Career coach.



  • August 29 | Incoming Exchange Students Orientation: We are delighted to welcome 260 exchange students from 24 countries and over 100 partner institutions as they commence their journey at HKU Business School. These students will spend one or two semesters immersing themselves in our dynamic and empowering HKU community.


  • September 7 | Non-Local Freshmen Orientation 2024: Over 100 of non-local full-time freshmen participated in this distinctive orientation session hosted by the HKUBS International Student Society. The session facilitated connections within the non-local student community, provided insights into the school and Hong Kong, and offered networking opportunities.



We are excited to welcome the incoming freshmen of the 2024-25 academic year and eagerly anticipate supporting them as they embark on their academic journey at HKU Business School.

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