Call for Action from Two Generations of FBE alumni – Alumni Corporate Ambassador Programme

The newly launched Alumni Corporate Ambassador Programme (Programme) bought alumni Teddy Liu (MBA 1998) and Udara Senevirathne (BEcon&Fin 2017) together. Though belonging to two generations and sharing different backgrounds, they become colleagues both working at New World Development. We recently had a chance to sit down with them and talk about the Programme.

As the General Manager of Corporate & Talent Development at New World Development, Teddy recalled his MBA journey over 20 years ago, and shared his passion towards nurturing the younger generation. “Young people are very talented, but they need more coaching so they can excel at their work’, said Teddy. Wearing on his another hat as the Founding President of HKU Business and Economics Alumni Association, Teddy expressed his devotion to the Faculty: “it is my honor to be the alumni representative. I am calling all FBE alumni to support this meaningful Alumni Corporate Ambassador Programme, and contribute to our alma mater”.

Originally from Sri Lanka, Udara successfully started his career as one of the few elite international Management Trainees at New World Development. “The Faculty offered me the opportunities to learn business in the backdrop of a world-class city, and it also prepared me to move into an ecosystem of the huge corporate world,” Udara said, “with the support and guidance from mentors and senior alumni, an international student like myself can blend in perfectly and develop my career goal here in Hong Kong. I am very grateful. This Alumni Corporate Ambassador Programme provided me with a great chance to give back to the Faculty, and to work with fellow alumni to empower the FBE community.”

Interested in joining Teddy and Udara to become FBE Alumni Corporate Ambassadors?  Please visit for more details.

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