Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program 2023: HKU Business School Student Awarded for Outstanding Achievement

Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program 2023: HKU Business School Student Awarded for Outstanding Achievement


Starting in 2010, Citi and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) have jointly organised the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program. The program aims to inspire university students to contribute their knowledge and expertise to non-profit organisations through internships, ultimately cultivating their concept of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Since its establishment, the programme has collaborated with more than 400 NGO units and social enterprises, and it has nurtured over 900 undergraduate students through community internship experience. A Recognition Ceremony was held on 24 Oct 2023 to celebrate students’ success. At the ceremony, Mr. Ho Kai-ming, JP, Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare; Mr. Anson Kwok, Head of Commercial Bank, Citi Hong Kong; Mr. Chua Hoi Wai, Chief Executive of HKCSS and representatives from the partnering universities including Dr. Winnie S.C. Leung, our Assistant Dean (Undergraduate), encouraged students to continue promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in the future career.

Ms. Chan Wai Chin, Race (BBA, Year 3) got an internship at Make-A-Wish Hong Kong in summer 2023. Race was honoured to be selected as the recipient of the Grand Awards for Excellence.

Ms. Chan Wai Chin, Race (third left) received the Grand Awards for Excellence.

Ms. Chan Wai Chin, Race (left) shared her internship experience at the Recognition Ceremony.

Race reflected on the program experience and how it shaped her professional career path:

“Throughout the internship, I participated in event promotion for the NGO. It was an invaluable opportunity for me to take charge of a company’s social media account and be involved in impactful marketing campaigns. The experience was both challenging and rewarding, allowing me to gain practical skills and insights. It broadened my perspective on social responsibility and deepened my understanding of NGO operations. Collaborating with dedicated colleagues who prioritised providing exceptional services to social groups, rather than solely pursuing lucrative careers was truly inspiring. Despite the inherent resource limitations NGOs faced, their unwavering passion for helping those in need remained undiminished. This internship experience compelled me to reevaluate the true value of acquiring business knowledge in school. I realised that I could apply the knowledge gained and contribute to NGOs that make a tangible difference in society. Overall, this internship has been instrumental in shaping my professional aspirations and instilling in me a profound desire to be part of organisations that have a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.”


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