From Classrooms to Catalonia: HKU Students Experience Business Innovation in Barcelona

From Classrooms to Catalonia: HKU Students Experience Business Innovation in Barcelona

Our International Business and Global Management students embarked on a transformative journey to Barcelona, on an international field trip organize by HKU-TLV Innovation Hub. The worlds of business, entrepreneurship, and culture collided in an inspiring way, exposing students to new ways of thinking and understanding the nuances of international business.

The trip included insightful lectures from local experts on various topics including the geopolitics of Spain & Europe, EU monetary & economic policy, AI and the 4th industrial revolution, and financial analysis models. Students had the opportunity to meet with local Spanish companies as case studies and engage with founders and CFOs. These academic and hands-on sessions provided students with a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and political dynamics that influence business decisions in Europe.

Students also visited some of Barcelona’s most innovative companies, including Casa SEAT, Tech Barcelona, Estrella Damm Factory, and Idilia Foods, offering a firsthand look at how successful companies operate in this vibrant business hub. At Blue Banana Brand students heard the story of a young local entrepreneur and how he built his successful clothing brand. They also engaged with Caixa Capital and heard about the Spanish venture capital world and investment strategies, while Norrsken House provided a glimpse into the world of social entrepreneurship. Students also had the opportunity to visit the local Barcelona business school ESADE, where they enjoyed a dynamic session with local Spanish students and compared business cultures and practices between Hong Kong and Spain.

Hands-on experiences also played a key role in the journey. Students participated in a Spanish cooking workshop, where they delved into the country’s culinary traditions, and they enjoyed tasting the products at Estrella Damm Factory, experiencing the behind-the-scenes operations of one of Spain’s most iconic brands.

This trip was not only about business—it was also about connecting with the culture of Barcelona. From exploring the architectural wonders of Gaudí to wandering the vibrant streets of La Rambla, students were immersed in the city’s rich history and dynamic atmosphere. The trip culminated in a breathtaking flamenco performance, which beautifully captured the spirit of Spain.

Every day was an opportunity to learn, connect, and challenge perspectives, and we look forward to the next adventure!

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