HKU Business School and KPMG China sign an MoU to continue to nurture business talent for Hong Kong and beyond

(16 January 2023, Hong Kong) HKU Business School and KPMG China jointly announce a new round of collaboration to nurture accounting and business analytics talent. The two parties signed their second Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) today, strengthening the partnership since 2018 and entering a new stage of collaboration.

Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School, and Ms. Ivy Cheung, Managing Partner of Hong Kong, KPMG China signed the MoU with the signatures witnessed by Professor Yuk-fai Fong, Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate), Professor Xin Wang, Assistant Dean (Taught Postgraduate), Professor Kai Wai Hui, Programme Director of Master of Accounting (MAcct), Dr. Hailiang Chen, Programme Director of Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSc (BA)); Ms. Alice Yip, Partner, Head of Private Enterprise of Hong Kong, KPMG China; Mr. Derek Yuen, Partner, Head of Audit – Advanced Manufacturing, Hong Kong, KPMG China; Mr. Kevin Wong, Partner, Audit, KPMG China; and  Mr. Terence Fong, Partner, Head of Chinese Banks, Hong Kong, KPMG China.

The MoU aims to provide professional training to students of HKU Business School’s MAcct and MSc (BA) Programmes. Through activities such as internships, seminars, industry projects and mentorship, students will acquire knowledge of accounting and data analytics and valuable experience that will be crucially needed in the fast-changing global economy.

Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School, said, “With a shared mission of talent development, we are delighted to partner with KPMG China again in providing a series of professional training and hands-on experience in real-life settings to our students. In the past few years, more than 300 students from these two programmes were benefited from the collaboration, bringing transformative impact on their career prospects and personal growth. I believe our partnership with KPMG will continue to nurture more first-class business leaders for Hong Kong and beyond, contributing to the talent pool of the region.”

Ms. Ivy Cheung, Managing Partner of Hong Kong, KPMG China, said “People are the most valuable asset for the community, while the next generation is the driving force of economic growth. With another round of collaboration with HKU Business School, KPMG China hopes to nurture business talent to play their evolving roles in moving the world forward, all in all deepening their impact on society. For example, the new generation of accountants go beyond traditional accounting to shape the future of business by bringing problem-solving skills and critical thinking together. Alongside quality education, the internship and cross-border opportunities we offer are the vital elements to make the above transformation possible.”

Caption: (From left) Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School, and Ms. Ivy Cheung, Managing Partner of Hong Kong, KPMG China signed the MoU today.

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