HKU Business School and KPMG sign third MoU to foster future business talent  in Hong Kong

HKU Business School and KPMG sign third MoU to foster future business talent in Hong Kong

(24 September, 2024, Hong Kong) HKU Business School and KPMG announced the signing of their third Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) to further strengthen their mutual collaboration in nurturing accounting and business analytics talents in Hong Kong, marking a new chapter in the partnership commenced since 2018.

Professor Hongbin CAI, Dean of HKU Business School, and Mr. Wilson LEE, Head of Audit of Hong Kong, KPMG, signed the MoU with Professor Pingyang GAO, Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate) of HKU Business School, Professor Hailiang CHEN, Assistant Dean (Taught Postgraduate) of HKU Business School, Professor Xin WANG, Area Head of Accounting and Law of HKU Business School, Professor Kai Wai HUI, Programme Director, Master of Accounting of HKU Business School, Professor Wei ZHANG, Programme Director, Master of Science in Business Analytics of HKU Business School, Ms. Alice YIP, Audit Partner, Head of Private Enterprise of KPMG, Mr. Derek YUEN, Audit Partner, Hong Kong ESG Assurance Lead of KPMG, Mr. Kevin WONG, Audit Partner of KPMG, Mr. Rocco LI, HR Director of KPMG, and Ms. Philomena SIU, HR Manager of KPMG, witnessing the signing ceremony.

Professor Hongbin CAI, Dean of HKU Business School, said, “We are pleased to continue our partnership with KPMG, which demonstrates our shared commitment to equipping students with professional knowledge and hands-on experience in real-life settings, empowering them to excel in their career. Over the past years, more than 400 students from these two programmes have benefited from this partnership personally and professionally, enhancing their business knowledge and professional networks. This MoU reaffirms our shared goals and objectives in nurturing first-class business leaders, thereby contributing to the talent pool of the region.”

The MoU is designed to offer professional training to students at HKU Business School’s MAcct and MSc (BA) Programmes. Through a wide range of activities including internships, seminars, mentorship and industry projects, students will develop expertise in accounting and data analytics with the essential experiences to thrive in the fast-changing global economy.

Mr. Wilson LEE, Head of Audit of Hong Kong, KPMG, said, “Today’s renewal of our MOU signifies our shared commitment to continue this journey. It reaffirms our determination to adapt to new challenges and seize opportunities together. This partnership empowers us to enhance our initiatives and create greater impact in nurturing first-class business talents for Hong Kong and beyond.”



(From left) Professor Hongbin CAI, Dean of HKU Business School, and Wilson LEE, Head of Audit of Hong Kong, KPMG, sign the MoU.


(From left) Professor Wei Zhang, Programme Director, Master of Science in Business Analytics of HKU Business School, Professor Kai Wai Hui, Programme Director, Master of Accounting of HKU Business School, Professor Xin Wang, Area Head of Accounting and Law of HKU Business School, Professor Hailiang Chen, Assistant Dean (Taught Postgraduate) of HKU Business School, Professor Pingyang Gao, Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate) of HKU Business School, Professor Hongbin CAI, Dean of HKU Business School, Wilson LEE, Head of Audit of Hong Kong, KPMG, Ms. Alice YIP, Audit Partner, Head of Private Enterprise of KPMG, Mr. Derek YUEN, Audit Partner, Hong Kong ESG Assurance Lead of KPMG, Mr. Kevin WONG, Audit Partner of KPMG, Mr. Rocco LI, HR Director of KPMG, and Ms. Philomena SIU, HR Manager of KPMG.


Professor Hongbin CAI, Dean of HKU Business School, delivers the welcoming remarks to highlight the partnership between HKU Business School and KPMG will equip students with professional knowledge to enhance their career prospects and holistic development.


Wilson LEE, Head of Audit of Hong Kong, KPMG, delivers remarks to highlight that this partnership empowers both parties to enhance initiatives and create greater impact in nurturing first-class business talents for Hong Kong and beyond.


Hi-res photos are available here.

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