HKU Business School Announces JUPAS Entrance Scholarship to Nurture Future Global Business Leaders

The prolonged threat of the pandemic has brought many challenges and hardships to Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) students.  To recognise their tireless effort and perseverance throughout the pandemic, HKU Business School will offer entrance scholarship to reward high achieving students admitted to its undergraduate programmes through JUPAS and to support their development in the University.

Students admitted to HKU Business School through JUPAS in 2021 with Level 5** in 6 or more subjects in the HKDSE examination will receive a one-off entrance scholarship of HK$250,000 from the School.  Entrance scholarship ranging from HK$25,000 to HK$220,000 will also be awarded by the School to students admitted with Level 5** in 2 to 5 subjects.  For more details, please refer to the table below.

As a premier business school in Asia, HKU Business School is committed to nurturing talents with global mindset to serve the needs of Hong Kong, China and the rest of the world in the fast-changing global economy.  In addition to quality business and economics education, HKU Business School students are provided with market-oriented content, superior learning experience and enrichment opportunities, and instrumental resources for whole-person development beyond their studies.  Riding on its 20 years of success, HKU Business School will continue to nurture new generations of global business leaders with the best possible education.

HKU Business School JUPAS Entrance Scholarship 2021-22

2021 HKDSE Examination ResultsHKU Business School

One-off JUPAS Entrance Scholarship

Level 5** in 6 or more subjectsHK$250,000
Level 5** in 5 subjectsHK$220,000
Level 5** in 4 subjectsHK$170,000
Level 5** in 3 subjectsHK$85,000
Level 5** in 2 subjectsHK$25,000

1.      The HKDSE examination results are based on the year of admission only.  Combined results will not be considered.

2.      Extended modules 1 or 2 of Mathematics (M1/M2) will be counted as one subject; alternative Chinese result will not be considered.

3.      The Scholarship shall be tenable for one year, and be disbursed in two equal instalments on completion of the first and second semester of academic year 2021-22.

4.      The Scholarship may be held concurrently with other awards/scholarships awarded by the University provided that the total value of the awards/scholarships held does not exceed the maximum amount stipulated by the Senate.  For students who are eligible for receiving entrance scholarship from the University at the same time, they will only receive one award from either the HKU Business School or the University, whichever is of the higher value.


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