HKU Business School celebrates the Groundbreaking of our new home at Pokfield Campus

HKU Business School celebrates the Groundbreaking of our new home at Pokfield Campus

The Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Pokfield Campus held on January 26, 2021 marks the construction kick-off of the new home for HKU Business School where we will continue to innovate, collaborate and grow in a state-of-the-art academic complex.

As we aspire to become a premier business school in Asia with significant global influence, this flagship academic complex will provide ample space for teaching, learning, research and community activities with an ambience of openness, energy and connectivity to foster incubation and exchange of ideas among members of the university, community and business sector.

The campus will also provide upgraded and contemporary sports facilities, a premium residential complex and a university guest house, as well as a teaching and learning hub and conference centre, aiming to transform the site into a new landmark campus hub.  It will be a green, smart and healthy campus, creating an enhanced environment for the community with better connectivity.

At the Ceremony, members of HKU Business School community, including members of International Advisory Committee, faculty members, staff, alumni and student representatives, were invited to be part of this historical milestone of the School in reaching the new heights of success and growth.

This new home of HKU Business School is expected to complete in the third quarter of 2023, and the whole campus will be ready by the third quarter in 2025.

To sneak a peek at the architectural concept design, please visit

From left: Mr. Blair Pickerell, External Member of the Pokfield Campus Project Group; Mr. Martin Tam, Chairman of the Pokfield Campus Project Group; Professor Richard Y.C. Wong, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor; Professor Edward K.Y. Chen, Member of the Council; Dr. Patrick S.C. Poon, Member of the Court, Member of the Council and Chair of HKU Convocation; Professor Xiang Zhang, President and Vice-Chancellor; Dr. Philip N.L. Chen, Member of the Court; Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School; Professor Frederick Ma, Honorary Professor; Mr. Hoi-yen Tang, HKU Sports Scholar and Student Representative

Members of the International Advisory Council were invited to celebrate the groundbreaking of our new home at Pokfield Campus.

Members of the International Advisory Council were invited to celebrate the groundbreaking of our new home at Pokfield Campus.

HKU Business School faculty members were excited about the new development project.

HKU Business School faculty members chit-chatted with HKU President Professor Xiang Zhang.

Exterior of the Pokfield Campus (concept design)

Atrium (concept design)

Lobby (concept design)

Auditorium (concept design)

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