HKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2022-23 Empowers Students

HKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2022-23 Empowers Students

HKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2022-23 Empowers StudentsHKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2022-23 Empowers StudentsHKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2022-23 Empowers StudentsHKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2022-23 Empowers StudentsHKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2022-23 Empowers StudentsHKU Business School Mentorship Programme 2022-23 Empowers Students

The Inauguration Ceremony of the HKU Business School Mentorship Programme was successfully held on 3 November 2022. We were delighted to welcome a record high of mentors with diversified business backgrounds, most of whom are alumni, friends and supporters of the Faculty, as well as 93 student mentees to embark on this year’s mentorship journey.

Dr. Derek Chan, Associate Dean (Undergraduate) of HKU Business School kick-started the event with a welcoming remarks to our mentors and mentees. He expressed gratitude to mentors for their generous support to the Faculty over the years, and hoped mentees would benefit the most out of the programme this year.

Two experienced mentors, Mr. Vincent Tam, Head of Talent Management, Hong Kong Productivity Council and Ms. Samantha Pei, Founder & Director of Present Senses Limited with two mentees Mr. Justin Cai, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 5 and Ms. Beata Kung, BFin(AMPB), Year 2 had shared how the meetings between mentors and mentees should be managed in this programme, and their thoughts on how to maximise the programme outcomes.

As the youngest and most dynamic member of The University of Hong Kong which has been established for just 21 years, HKU Business School has achieved significant growth in faculty strength and research capability. The Faculty strives to be a leading, globally impactful academic institution of business and economics and provide opportunities for students to connect with the real business world. Mentoring is especially valuable in empowering students by sharing mentors’ knowledge and experience, encouragement and inspiration. Through regular mentoring sessions in the academic year, students can gain professional and personal development throughout their studies.

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