Strategy and Innovation — The second module of Business Leader Programme successfully completed
Aiming to empower business leaders from Chinese mainland by instilling innovative business ideas, impactful business strategies and global mindset, and to reinforce their competitiveness in the global arena, the “Business Leader Programme” launched by Executive Education of the Faculty of Business and Economics has successfully completed its second module from 6 – 9 June.
Named “strategy and innovation”, the second module is targeted to help business leaders acquire skills and strategies to enhance their corporate strengths and competitiveness, at the same time to explore new market opportunities by applying design thinking. Through a series of diverse corporate visits and lectures, the programme aims to help its participants identify their businesses’ competitive advantages in the global market and to understand deeper their risk management competency.
The first class was jointly delivered by Professor Yuk-fai Fong, Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate), and Mr. Joseph Chan, Senior Lecturer, both from the Faculty of Business and Economics. Professor Fong highlighted the importance of creating business values in supply chain, and maximising business profits. While Mr. Chan shared his insights on design thinking in running business, and suggested this thinking process as a key to break old rules and regulations, but simultaneously instil innovative ideas into ongoing projects.
Professor Zheng Zhou, Chair of Strategy and International Business and Professor Jin Li, Professor in Management and Strategy, and Economics, presented lectures in the last two days of the programme. Professor Zhou pointed out that a good dynamic strategy should be analysed from macro, industrial and enterprises levels before putting it in place. On the topic of internal strategy and implementation, Professor Li illustrated how to develop a suitable thinking model and leadership style by different case studies. He also emphasised the need of strategic thinking ability and well use of organisational resources in strategic management.
The class also visied to HKEX and learned about the standards and requirements of listing in Hong Kong. Participants showed keen interest in the actual listing process and the financial market in Hong Kong. It is hoped that the programme can give insights to business leaders, in driving their business goals and stimulating change.
Business leaders visit HKEX
Professor Yuk-fai Fong and Mr. Joseph Chan in class
Professor Zheng Zhou and Professor Jin Li in class