Top 10 Winners in the World Asian Case Competition 2021

Top 10 Winners in the World Asian Case Competition 2021

A team of two students from HKU Business School won the top 10 in World Asian Case Competition 2021. Themed on “Creating unforgettable, lifelong experiences for students”, the competition requires participants to research on a selected Asian company that has achieved significant success and became globally powerful brands. Competing teams were expected to highlight certain milestones that contributed to the brand’s tremendous success and give breakthrough strategies that can help the company overcome difficulties and challenges in their business model.

World Asian Case Competition (WACC) is an annual international case competition organised by the Academy of Asian Business. It was divided into three parts, namely (i) short proposal in around 400 words, (ii) final proposal in around 10,000 words, and (iii) final presentation for around 15 minutes.


Dr. Winnie Leung, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate), The University of Hong Kong. Also one of the awardees of Best Advisor Award.

Team Member:

Miss Kakkar Sana, BEcon&Fin, Year 3
Mr. Sharma Jayant, BBA(IBGM), Year 3

 (The team comprises 1 more team member from the Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong.)

Students sharing:
“Participating in the World Asia Case Competition 2021 gave me an effective platform to demonstrate and further hone my communication and collaboration skills. This experience gave me the opportunity to learn from and compete with elite teams from renowned Universities around the globe, and enabled me to gain exposure to multiple perspectives. I was very grateful to my advisor and fellow team members for making this an extremely memorable experience for me. I look forward to participating in more of such competitions in the future.”


– Sharma Jayant, BBA(IBGM)

“The World Asian Case Competition 2021 gave me the opportunity to be a part of an active and engaged process and interact with like-minded people throughout the journey. This allowed me to gain a multifaceted view of the world as I draw from each participant’s perspectives and experiences. Being engaged in fruitful discussions with other competing teams also inspired me to think outside the box and come up with new ideas. Most importantly, I enjoyed exploring interesting case topics, researching global trends and honing my presentation, case cracking and analytical skills. I believed this experience was truly rewarding and would definitely prove to be a turning point for my future.”


– Kakkar Sana, BEcon&Fin

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