Bennett Chi Kin YIM
Prof. Bennett Chi Kin YIM
Stelux Professor in Marketing
Director of Undergraduate Admissions and International Student Exchange

3917 8343

KK 710

Academic & Professional Qualification
  • PhD Purdue

Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim is Professor in Marketing, Director of Undergraduate Admissions and International Student Exchange and Associate Director of the Contemporary Marketing Centre at the HKU Business School. He received his BBA in Marketing from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his Ph.D. in Management (Marketing and Econometric) from the Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University.

He has over 20 years of experience teaching in undergraduate, MBA and Executive Development programs at The University of Hong Kong, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Rice University, and Purdue University. He has received multiple teaching awards that include:

  • IMBA Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong and Fudan University 2010-2011
  • University Outstanding Teacher Award, The University of Hong Kong 2010
  • Undergraduate Teaching Awards, Faculty of Business and Economics (now HKU Business School), 2005 – 2006
  • Best MBA Teacher (Honorable Mention), Faculty of Business and Economics (now HKU Business School), 1999 – 2000
  • Award for Excellence in Teaching, Jones Graduate School, Rice University 1992-1993

Prof. Yim also has extensive consulting experiences working with companies in the US (including Boeing, IBM, Johnson Controls, Nike, Northern Telecom, Xerox, etc.) and Hong Kong (China Ping An Insurance, Economic Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit and Efficiency Unit (HKSAR Government), Hong Kong Association for Customer Service Excellence, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Motorola, 3M Hong Kong Limited, HSBC, etc.). He has also conducted executive training programs for various companies and organizations including Centaline Property Agency Limited, Hong Kong Post, Intel (China), JUSCO, Ketchum, Motorola (China), PepsiCo (China), SGS, Sunkyong (Korea), and TAL.

Prof. Yim has published articles in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Retailing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, and Journal of Business Research, and presented many papers in conferences in Asia, the United States and Europe. His research has received multiple research awards that include:

  • 2011 Award for the Best Services Marketing Article Published in 2010, AMA Services Marketing Special Interest Group (with Kimmy Chan and Simon Lam)
  • University Research Output Prize 2008-2009, University of Hong Kong (with Kimmy Chan and David Tse)
  • 2007 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Best Paper Award, Services Track (with Kimmy Chan and David Tse)
  • University Research Output Prize 2005-2006, University of Hong Kong (with David Tse and Kevin Zhou)
  • Finalist for the 1995 Journal of Marketing Research William F. O’Dell Award (with Manohar Kalwani, Heikki Rinne, and Yoshi Sugita)
  • Strategic Marketing Management
  • Services Marketing and Management
Research Interest
  • Services marketing and management
  • China marketing and marketing strategy
  • Consumer brand choice and purchase behavior modeling
Selected Publications
  • Zou, Lili Wenli and Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim (2025), “Customer Traffic and Customer Experience: Creating a Contrived Similarity to Address the Crowding Dilemma”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 42(1), 133-152.
  • Zou, Lili Wenli, Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, and Kimmy Wa Chan (2022), “How Firms Can Create Delightful Customer Experience? Contrasting Roles of Future Reward Uncertainty,” Journal of Business Research, 147 (August), 477-490.
  • Tse, Caleb H., Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, Eden Yin, Feng Wan, and Hao Jiao (2021), “R&D Activities and Innovation Performance of MNE Subsidiaries: The Moderating Effects of Government Support and Entry Mode,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166 (May), 120603.
  • Leung, Fine F., Tse, Caleb H. and Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim (2020), “Engaging Customer Cocreation in New Product Development Through Foreign Subsidiaries: Influences of Multinational Corporations’ Global Integration and Local Adaptation Mechanisms,” Journal of International Marketing, 28 (2), 59-80.
  • Chan, Kimmy Wa, Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, and Taeshik Gong (2019), “An Investigation of Nonbeneficiary Reactions to Discretionary Preferential Treatments,” Journal of Service Research, 22 (4), 371-387.
  • Wang, Si Helen and Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim (2019), “Effects of Dominance Transitions on Advice Adherence in Professional Service Conversations,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47 (5), 919-938.
  • Wang, Danny T., Flora F. Gu, David K. Tse, and Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim (2013), “When Does FDI Matter? The Roles of Local Institutions and Ethnic Origins of FDI,” International Business Review, 22 (April), 450-465.
  • Yim, Chi Kin (Bennett), Kimmy Wa Chan, and Simon S.K. Lam (2012), “Do Customers and Employees Enjoy Service Participation? Synergic Effects of Self- and Other-Efficacy,” Journal of Marketing, 76 (November), 121-140.
  • Chan, Kimmy W., Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, and Simon S.K. Lam (2010), “Is Customer Participation in Value Creation a Double-Edged Sword?  Evidence from Professional Financial Services Across Cultures,” Journal of Marketing, 74 (May), 48-64.
  • Yim, Chi Kin (Bennett), David K. Tse, and Kimmy Wa Chan (2008), “Strengthening Customer Loyalty through Intimacy and Passion: Roles of Customer-Firm Affection and Customer-Staff Relations in Services,” Journal of Marketing Research, 45 (December), 741-756.
  • Hung, Kineta H.K., Flora Fang Gu, and Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim (2007), “A Social Institutional Approach to Identifying Generation Cohorts in China with a Comparison with American Consumers,” Journal of International Business Studies, 38 (5), 836-853.
  • Gao, Gerald Yong, Kevin Zheng Zhou, and Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim (2007), “On What Should Firms Focus in Transitional Economies? A Study of the Contingent Value of Strategic Orientations in China,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24 (1), 3-16.
  • Yim, Chi Kin (Bennett), Kimmy Wa Chan, and Kineta Hung (2007), “Multiple Reference Effects in Service Evaluations: Roles of Alternative Attractiveness and Self-Image Congruity,” Journal of Retailing, 83 (1), 147-157.
Recent Publications
In search of public service excellence

Public services touch every aspect of the lives of people around the world. These millions of service users also have opinions, both good and bad, on the quality of the public services they access. But how often are they asked about these opinions? And do these opinions help create changes and improvements to the services?

Engaging Customer Cocreation in New Product Development Through Foreign Subsidiaries: Influences of Multinational Corporations’ Global Integration and Local Adaptation Mechanisms

Efforts to engage customers in cocreating new products have garnered much research attention from studies documenting customer cocreation’s (CC’s) positive impact on firm innovation and performance. Less research, however, has counterbalanced the bright side with the potential dark side of CC, especially as a strategy for multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in foreign markets. This study examines how MNC subsidiaries’ CC affects new product innovativeness and knowledge leakage to competitors. Adopting a broader agency perspective to recognize that subsidiaries often do not perform up to headquarters’ expectations due to both self-serving opportunism and honest incompetence, this study explores how CC effects are contingent on MNCs’ global management mechanisms. Using a dyadic managerial survey of 238 MNC subsidiaries, the authors find that MNCs can control knowledge leakage by implementing proper global integration and local adaptation mechanisms. However, CC may not improve new product innovativeness, except when the subsidiary has low local research-and-development staff influence. This study contributes to the CC literature by showing its benefits, challenges, and boundary conditions as a growing MNC innovation strategy.