筆者早前與香港生產力局合作的《再工業化研究報告》,專注研究三個與香港經濟及人口規模相似的經濟體 ——以色列、新加坡和瑞士。近日新加坡政府與以色列政府簽署了關於人工智能的合作備忘錄,並提倡加強在農業科技和食品科技等領域合作。當像新加坡這樣類似香港的小型開放經濟體居安思危,重新想像後疫情時代自身在全球經濟的定位及籌謀新發展方向,香港又是否應想想如何向高端科技工業推進?
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Trade between China and the European Union (EU) could see some minor strains over Beijing’s stance on the Ukraine war, but decoupling is unlikely given the entrenched commercial relationship and impracticality of diversifying supply chains, experts say.
In their study “Do multinationals transfer culture? Evidence on female employment in China”, published in the Journal of International Economics in July 2021, authors Heiwai TANG and Yifan ZHANG show that MNC practices do impact the behaviour of local companies, and the outcome is a positive impact on the productivity of local companies.
在本系列專欄的開首,筆者提及半導體産業鏈為香港應發展的五大科技產業之一。當前全球經濟在數碼轉型,生產及生活正在經歷ABCDR(即是人工智能(AI);區塊鏈(Blockchain);雲計算(Cloud Computing);大數據(Big Data)及機械人技術(Robotics)的革命,所有技術都大量增加對晶片需求,令半導體成為一項戰略資產。
A surge in cases is forcing Beijing to adjust its strict pandemic measures, but it’s in no hurry to “live with Covid” as other countries are doing.
HONG KONG -- China is facing its worst COVID crisis since early 2020, when the world first witnessed an entire population locked down to contain the coronavirus in Wuhan and its surrounding province.