Heiwai TANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Associate Dean (External Relations)
Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics
Director, Asia Global Institute
Director, APEC Study Center
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy

3917 0029
3917 4388

MB 335/ KK 920

疫下運輸受阻 貨品供應地捨近求遠?




A Microanalysis of Hong Kong’s Reindustrialisation


A Microanalysis of Hong Kong’s Reindustrialisation


Crossing the border for greater opportunities

Hong Kong insurers are now eagerly awaiting the border re-opening with the mainland and keen to tap into the growing Greater Bay Area (GBA) market. And while COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation, maintaining the “human touch” is equally important to an industry that is people-oriented and built on trust and integrity.

新時代新氣象 再工業化打造 香港經濟新引擎

科技日新月異的今天,香港傳統工業正在默默起革命,在「後疫情」年代,「再工業化」能否應運而生,扭轉香港長期過度倚重金融和地產的格局?本報策劃「香港新工業」系列專題,專訪了多位業界權威及學界精英,他們均對香港「再工業化」寄予厚望,期盼能夠藉此貢獻國家,並為香港經濟注入全新動力。  中國社會科學院工業經濟研究所研究員李曉華撰文指,製造業曾經在香港經濟崛起中發揮過重要作用,高峰時期工業佔香港地區生產總值的比重超過30%。但是,隨着香港製造業持續外遷,工業生產總值佔比越來越低,2019年香港製造業增加值只有293.66億元,佔地區生產總值的比重下降到1.1%。

內地及港澳建單一自貿區 安全是前提


What are the Shortcomings of Reindustrialisation in Hong Kong?

The Hong Kong government put forth the reindustrialisation initiative in 2016, with the aim of improving Hong Kong's economic structure. However, over the past five years, the manufacturing industry has accounted for only 1% of the Hong Kong's GDP, and Hong Kong's economic development is still struggling to shake off an over-reliance on financial and professional services.

Universities need to generate innotech talent

The Hong Kong Productivity Council said on Monday technology companies are eager to manufacture more of their products in the SAR, but they need support to help nurture talent.