Heiwai TANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Associate Dean (External Relations)
Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics
Director, Asia Global Institute
Director, APEC Study Center
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy

3917 0029
3917 4388

MB 335/ KK 920

Do Multinationals Transfer Culture? Evidence on Female Employment in China

We study the global diffusion of culture through multinationals, focusing on gender norms. Using data on manufacturing firms in China from 2004 to 2007, we find that foreign affiliates from countries with a more gender-equal culture tend to employ proportionally more women and appoint more female managers. They also generate cultural spillovers, as we find that domestic firms' female labor share increases with the prevalence of foreign affiliates in the same industry or city. Based on a multi-sector model that accounts for firm heterogeneity in productivity, gender bias, and learning, we perform counterfactual exercises. By hypothetically eliminating firms' gender biases, we observe a 5% increase in China's aggregate total factor productivity, 19% of which is due to spillovers from foreign affiliates.

Revolutionizing HK’s landscape, economy

The making of the Northern Metropolis heralds a reshuffling of Hong Kong’s landscape and economy in the coming years — an ambitious and timely visionary move to optimize the city’s unbalanced economic structure and integrate it into the robust development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, pundits said. In the last Policy Address of her administration’s current tenure, delivered on Oct 6, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor unveiled a blueprint to develop the northern part of Hong Kong into a metropolitan area.

藉國際化優勢 拓展外循環




財經演義 – 香港前路







政府自2016年開始推出多項措施,投資過百億元,協助傳統行業以科技升級改造,以及發展高產值行業。5年後的今天,無論製造業佔本地生產總值或工人佔本地總就業人口依然不變,其實政府一直提倡的「再工業化」 概念,究竟為香港工業帶甚麼改變?香港企業在回應工業4.0的大勢時,又面對甚麼問題呢?

前海方案︱學者:港府應更主動講出自身優勢 不必懼怕人才流失

國務院本周一(9月6日)公布《全面深化前海深港現代服務業合作區改革開放方案》(前海方案),將前海合作區域面積擴大至原本的8倍。國務院新聞辦公室今日(9月9日)下午舉行新聞發布會,介紹橫琴、前海兩地開發建設有關情況。 港深合作的議題,對於港人來說絕不是新鮮事,也同時會帶來一個疑問:到底香港和深圳協作,是競爭還是互補?尤其最大的疑問是:在整份前海方案中,香港的角色只是「從旁協助」前海發展,一旦香港的專業服務、企業家落戶前海,又會否導致香港人才流失?