Heiwai TANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Associate Dean (External Relations)
Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics
Director, Asia Global Institute
Director, APEC Study Center
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy

3917 0029
3917 4388

MB 335/ KK 920

Positive non-interventionism: An economic philosophy that has impacted HK for half a century


Hong Kong Wants to Bring Back Factory Jobs That Left Long Ago

After decades overseeing the outsourcing of electronics production to low-cost destinations in China and Southeast Asia, Roberto Leone has chosen an unlikely location for his latest manufacturing venture: one of Asia’s most expensive cities, Hong Kong. Nirotech Ltd., the company Leone co-founded, has been pumping out 30,000 video door intercoms a month since December from the district of Yuen Long, near the border with mainland China.



雙循環|國際形勢劇變 中國戰略調整 香港「山雨欲來風滿樓」


Industry 4.0 needs all gears to mesh

Hong Kong’s reindustrialization strategy, announced in 2016, commits over $12.9 billion to a data center, an advanced manufacturing center, applied research, platforms for medical technology and other ambitious projects. However, policy gaps remain to be filled, reports Oswald Chan from Hong Kong.

疫下食品製造商申資助推智慧生產 學者倡再工業化促進就業


Hong Kong’s axing from Heritage Foundation’s Economic Freedom rankings a gift that will keep on giving

Market failures related to global finance and Covid-19 should have made policymakers realise that to function well, free markets require sound rules. Hong Kong needs to consider how it can achieve a better state-market balance in a post-pandemic world rather than cling to outmoded ideas of the free market.

再工業化 ‧ 一 | 正視「再工業化」錯誤 帶領「香港製造」重生


Rebooting Hong Kong’s economy

Decimated by the triple whammy of lingering trade frictions between the world’s two largest economies, the COVID-19 pandemic and a deglobalization trend, Hong Kong’s economy shrank a record 6.1 percent in 2020.