Heiwai TANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Associate Dean (External Relations)
Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics
Director, Asia Global Institute
Director, APEC Study Center
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy

3917 0029
3917 4388

MB 335/ KK 920

特朗普連任對華態度或改變 鄧希煒:不排除有人軟化|財經加零一


美國大選2020|大選戰況激烈 港大鄧希煒:郵遞選票是關鍵





編者按:上個世紀,香港憑藉自由港優勢,在大國狹縫中實現經濟騰飛。如今新冷戰襲來,香港遭美國制裁,關稅可能面臨調整,Made in Hong Kong的標籤也行將消失。香港製造還可以振興嗎?端傳媒深入三家香港企業,從產業角度透視香港問題。此項目端傳媒亦與日本放送協會(NHK)合作,為NHK提供調研、採訪和攝影,雙方根據素材獨立完成影片製作。NHK作品 The “Made in Hong Kong” Dilemma已於10月30日於NHK World頻道播出。

Hong Kong must reindustrialise to reinvent its economy

With neighbour Shenzhen poised to pull ahead, Hong Kong needs an economic transformation of its own: it must end its reliance on the financial industry. The city should focus on creating rewarding, good-paying jobs that benefit more than a few by upgrading its workforce and developing a new manufacturing sector based on science and technology.


Opinion piece by Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics.

Hong Kong’s third economic transformation – What are we waiting for?

The article 《香港第三次經濟轉型,還等什麼?》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

港大鄧希煒撐再工業化 「香港本身有工業DNA」|財經加零一

Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was quoted by HK01.

【競爭力.三】香港失落最自由經濟體地位 是好事還是壞事?

Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was interviewed by HK01 about HK’s ranking as a free economy.