Heiwai TANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Associate Dean (External Relations)
Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics
Director, Asia Global Institute
Director, APEC Study Center
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy

3917 0029
3917 4388

MB 335/ KK 920

Back on Track: Redefining Hong Kong’s 7 Major Competitive Advantages


What China’s Economic Woes May Mean for the U.S.

“I remain optimistic that the government is still very agile and should be responsive to a potential crisis,” Dr. Tang said. “They know what to do. It’s just a matter of time before they come to some kind of consensus to do something.”

Gig Economy: A Pivotal Element for Economic Transformation

從勞工角度看,平台經濟打破了傳統的僱傭關係。平台企業創造了各種靈活的工作方式,包括常見的社交平台內容創作者、Uber司機、外賣送遞員等等。此類常被稱為「零工」(gig work)的工種,一方面令人感嘆技術為就業帶來方便,但另一方面也常令人擔憂一個大企業壟斷市場,欺壓平台從業員的可能性。

Gig Economy: A Pivotal Element for Economic Transformation

從勞工角度看,平台經濟打破了傳統的僱傭關係。平台企業創造了各種靈活的工作方式,包括常見的社交平台內容創作者、Uber司機、外賣送遞員等等。此類常被稱為「零工」(gig work)的工種,一方面令人感嘆技術為就業帶來方便,但另一方面也常令人擔憂一個大企業壟斷市場,欺壓平台從業員的可能性。

Carry trade by Trucks

New research shows that traders can bypass capital controls by transporting goods across borders by truck to reap currency carry rewards. We look at how they do it and what the consequences are

Commercialisation of Intellectual Property Drives High-quality Economic Growth


Hong Kong needs to speed up Trade Modernization


Hong Kong needs to speed up Trade Modernization


Currency Carry Trade by Trucks: The Curious Case of China’s Massive Imports from Itself

With capital controls, the standard financial market transactions needed for currency carry trade are hard to implement. Using detailed trade data reported by both the mainland Chinese and Hong Kong’s governments, we present evidence that indirect currency carry trade likely takes place via round-trip reimports. We also show that greater state control in terms of more state-owned firms does not reduce such “carry trade by trucks.”