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香港中通社6月14日電 (記者 關秀英)美國聯邦儲備局14日起一連兩日召開議息會議。美國在上月通脹率升至8.6%,再創40年新高後,美國多個媒體預測,局方很可能大幅加息,市場預期美聯儲加息75個基點,令美元再創近20年新高。香港經濟學家估計,美聯儲或在本周加息75個基點,而最近走勢疲弱,不斷創新低的日元亦可能會進一步下跌。
A member of the Monetary Authority's currency board subcommittee says it is still the best option for Hong Kong to maintain its dollar peg to the greenback. Professor Tang Heiwai, the Director of the University of Hong Kong's Asia Global Institute, said despite recent interest rate rises by the US Federal Reserve, there had been minimal capital outflow of Hong Kong dollars to US dollars. He spoke to Janice Wong.
Heiwai Tang, HKU Economics professor and newly-appointed director of the Asia Global Institute, predicts that Hong Kong's housing market will rebound after overcoming the short-term shocks in the local and global economy.
Asia Global Institute Director and HKU Economics professor, Heiwai Tang, tells #TalkTheWalk that the resilience of Hong Kong's financial services is strong amid the economic downdraft brought by Covid restrictions and supply chain shocks.