Hongbin CAI
Prof. Hongbin CAI
Chair of Economics
Director, Institute of China Economy

3917 4567

KK 502

A Tale of Economics and Computer Science: Amalgamation of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Application of Theories in Practice

The COVID-19 pandemic has subdued our physical economy, but mankind’s innovative spirit is indominable. On November 14, 2020, Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School, and his PhD advisor cum 2020 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Professor Paul Robert Milgrom from Stanford University were invited for discussion at the 11th Caixin Summit “Rebuilding Global Trust” on the development of auction theory and the study of market design. Professor Milgrom spiced up the conference by sharing his Nobel Prize worth of masterpiece---a customised auction model that brings Genesis to the United States (US) broadcast landscape.




在11月5日举行的财新峰会上,2020年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Paul Milgrom和香港大学经济及工商管理学院院长蔡洪滨针对市场与政府之间的关系进行了探讨。蔡洪滨认为,市场和政府不是两极化关系,由谁占主导需要分情况精心设计。Paul Milgrom认为,市场机制要根据市场需求去设计,需关注社会公平。疫苗发放和5G普及涉及不同的公共需求,市场设计所采用的理念和方法也不相同。

Pandemic hits demand for Hong Kong business courses

Hong Kong business school courses, including two top-ranked executive MBAs, have delayed their start dates until next year because of the coronavirus pandemic and student objections to online learning.

Business schools must also teach students to be role models in society, education leaders say

Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School with another two Deans from top Business Schools joined The Stanford China Economic Forum to facilitate international collaborations and explore education trends.


Prof. Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School was interviewed by Cai Xin on 2020 Nobel Prize in Economics: Basic Research and Applied Research.

師承史丹福諾貝爾獎經濟學家 重視理論對社會的影響

Prof. Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School was interviewed by Master Insight on how he was inspired by his advisor in thesis, Prof. Paul Milgrom, one of the winners of 2020 Nobel in Economics.

蔡洪滨:世紀亂局衝擊商管教育 香港高校可發揮區域優勢

Prof. Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School was interviewed by Master Insight on how dominant of Hong Kong tertiary Institutions among the global critical situation.

Building a knowledge-based, innovation-driven economy
