Huiyan Qiu
Dr. Huiyan QIU
Principal Lecturer
BSc (QFin) Deputy Programme Director and Admissions Tutor

2859 1046

KK 917

Academic & Professional Qualification
  • Ph.D., M.S., University of Minnesota
  • B.S., University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Huiyan QIU received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, and joined The University of Hong Kong in 2006.  She also holds a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Science and Technology of China, and a M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Minnesota.

Huiyan’s research interests are in theoretical corporate finance, information economics, financial contracting, executive compensation, capital structure, and earnings management.  Her current research focuses on role of financial contracts and managerial compensation in resolving agency problems.  In her paper “Local bias in investor attention: Evidence from China’s Internet stock message boards,” (with Yuqin Huang and Zhiguo Wu, published in Journal of Empirical Finance), she finds that individual investors pay more attention to stocks of local companies than to those of nonlocal companies.

Research Interest
  • Theoretical Corporate Finance
  • Information Economics
  • Financial Contracting
  • Executive Compensation
  • Capital Structure
  • Earnings Management
Selected Publications
  • “Local bias in investor attention: Evidence from China’s Internet stock message boards”,
    (with Yuqin Huang and Zhiguo Wu), Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 38, Part A, September 2016, pp. 338-354.
Working Papers
  • “Role of Debt and Managerial Compensation in Resolving Agency Problems”
  • “Incentive, Leverage Ratio, and Cash Flows: An Empirical Examination”
  • “Convertible Preferred and Participating Preferred Equities in Venture Financing”
    (with Chun Chang).
  • “Share Merger Reform, Corporate Governance and Firm Value in China”
    (with Shaohua Yao)
  • “Earnings Management in China’s Unlocking Flood of Non-tradable Shares”
    (with Zhiguo Wu)