Hong Kong’s trams have been a city icon for over a century, but ridership remains 15% below pre-pandemic levels due to slow speeds from traffic congestion. Dr. Vera Wing-han Yuen, an economics lecturer at the HKU Business School, highlights a unique advantage of trams—their ability to access Happy Valley, an area not easily reached by the MTR. To improve efficiency, dedicated tram lanes could help reduce delays. She also sees AI-powered scheduling as a solution: “AI can adjust schedules based on real-time traffic conditions, ensuring smoother and more evenly distributed services throughout the entire route.”

- Ph.D., University of Hong Kong
- M.S., University of Oxford
- B.B.A., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Before her tenure at the HKU Business School, Dr. Vera Yuen occupied teaching roles at Hong Kong Baptist University and at HKUST. She was appointed the position of an examiner for the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). In addition, she served as a consultant for Our Hong Kong Foundation, contributing to its housing and land project. Furthermore, Dr. Yuen was invited by the Consumer Council and an international publisher to review economics textbooks for both secondary and university levels. She professionally reviewed for Scientific Reports and PLOS ONE.
Vera is eager to serve the community. She was a member of the Selection Committee of the Deputies to the Thirteenth National People’s Congress from the HKSAR of the PRC, the Fifth Election Committee of the HKSAR, the Panel of Film Censorship Adviser of the Office for Film, Newspaper, and Article Administration, the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Programme Advisory Panel, the Appeal Panel (Housing), and the Sir Jack Cater Scholarship Fund Selection Committee.
She is a current affairs commentator and columnist in major newspapers and media. She hosted two series of academic talk shows, “Economic Insight” and “Social Science Insight,” on Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), sharing academic thoughts with the public. She received the Chang Kuo-sin Award for Young Aspiring Communicators for her merit in commentaries. Joining hands with NGOs, she engages herself in youth education and policy education.
- Public Policy (housing and land, social welfare, economic)
- Policy Communication
- Political Trust
- Political Economy
- Authoritarian Governance
- Yuen, V. W. H. (2024). White privilege, ethnic disadvantage, and stigmatized linguistic capital: COVID-19 infection rates and lockdown law enforcement in Hong Kong. Social Science & Medicine, 360, 117323. (ranked no 4 in BIOMEDICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES, SSCI 2023)
- Yuen, V. W. H. (2024). From Public Health to Political Repression: COVID-19 Lockdown Measure in Hong Kong’s Opposition Districts. Social Science and Medicine, 362, 117440. (ibid.)
- Yuen, V.W.H. (2023). The use of experts in building political trust: dissenting opinions and critical citizens in times of crisis. Democratization, 30, 1291-1312. (ranked top 10% in POLITICAL SCIENCE, SSCI 2023)
- Yuen, V. W. H. (2023). The efficacy of health experts’ communication in inducing support for COVID-19 measures and effect on trustworthiness: A survey in Hong Kong. Social Science & Medicine, 317, 115602. (ranked no 4 in BIOMEDICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES, SSCI 2023)
- Yuen, V. W. H. (2022). Political attitudes and efficacy of health expert communication on the support for COVID-19 vaccination program: Findings from a survey in Hong Kong. Vaccine, 40(15), 2282-2291. (2022 SCI Q2)
- Yuen, V. (2024). Hong Kong’s economy struggles to get back on its feet. East Asia Forum. (peer-reviewed)
- Yuen, W. H. V. (2022). Let public housing once again complement the development of Hong Kong: Reducing misallocation to enhance productivity. Hong Kong Economic Policy Green Paper 2022. Hong Kong: HKU Business School: 81-92.
- Yuen, V. (2022). Is Hong Kong becoming just another Chinese city? Think China (a subsidiary of Lianhe Zaobao联合早报)
- Yuen, V. (2022). Hong Kong leans into Chinese-style governance reform. East Asia Forum (peer-reviewed).
- Yuen, V. (2021). The population exodus that will change Hong Kong forever. East Asia Forum (peer-reviewed).
- Yuen, V. (2020). COVID-19 shock takes its toll on Hong Kong’s economy. East Asia Forum (peer-reviewed).
- Wong, Y. C. R., Tsang, W. H. W., & Yuen, W. H. V. (2015). Maximizing land use to boost development optimizing housing resources to benefit all. Our Hong Kong Foundation.
- “State, Law, and the Economy COIL”, Collaborative Online International Learning Teaching Development Grant, University Teaching and Learning (PI; HK $20,000, 2025-2026)
- “Understanding Hong Kong People’s Acceptance of Income Inequality and Preferences of Policy Responses.” Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, University of Hong Kong (Co-I; HK$488,750, 2024-2025).
- “State, Law, and the Economy III”, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Teaching and Learning (Teacher-in-charge; HK$1,000,000, 2023-2025)
- “State, Law, and the Economy II”, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Teaching and Learning (Teacher-in-charge; HK$1,000,000, 2021-2023)
香港樓價高企,超乎常人所負擔。鳳凰衛視香港台節目《告別劏房大辯論》第六集邀請嘉賓集思廣益,一齊討論政府應否出手調控樓價。有經濟學者反對政府干預樓市,也有專家支持落重藥。中原地產創辦人施永青建議政府,放寬地積比例,興建更多單位,增加供應,達致壓抑樓價。 差餉物業估價署最新數字顯示,本港9月份私人住宅售價指數是396.3點,雖然是自7月份歷史高位的398.2點,連續兩個月回落,但今年頭9個月,本港樓價已經累積上升了4.32%。樓價持續高企,社會上就政府應不應該出手打擊樓價,有激烈的爭論。