Prof. Wen ZHOU
Management and Strategy
Associate Professor
Associate Director, Asia Case Research Centre

3917 5665

KK 1225

Academic & Professional Qualification
  • PhD in Economics, Duke University
  • MA in Economics, Peking University
  • BSc in Biology, University of Science & Technology of China

Dr. Wen Zhou is an Associate Professor in the group of Management and Strategy, HKU Business School. He received BS in biology from the University of Science and Technology of China, MA in economics from Peking University and PhD in economics from Duke University. He joined the University of Hong Kong in 2007 after working at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for several years.


Dr. Zhou teaches Managerial Economics for MBA, IMBA, and EMBA.

Research Interest

Dr. Zhou is an economist working in the field of industrial organization. His research focuses on endogenous market structure in the presence of mergers, innovation, and international trade. He has also studied business strategies such as pricing and advertising.

Selected Publications
Recent Publications
Behavioural Economics in Action: Insights from Deadly Industrial Accidents

In the first half of 2024, fatal industrial accidents in Hong Kong increased compared to the previous year. Many of these accidents occur in the construction and manufacturing sectors, often involving hazardous materials and falling objects. Critics argue that the pressure to meet deadlines leads companies to overlook essential safety measures, and that enhancing safety protocols could prevent most accidents.

Behavioural Economics in Action: Insights from Deadly Industrial Accidents

In the first half of 2024, fatal industrial accidents in Hong Kong increased compared to the previous year. Many of these accidents occur in the construction and manufacturing sectors, often involving hazardous materials and falling objects. Critics argue that the pressure to meet deadlines leads companies to overlook essential safety measures, and that enhancing safety protocols could prevent most accidents.

Did Oil Companies Collude to Set Gasoline Prices in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong has the highest retail fuel prices globally. When oil companies adjust their retail prices, they tend to raise prices simultaneously. Some might argue that the persistently high fuel prices in Hong Kong are due to the high land costs for gas stations. However, when examining the revenue record of oil companies, this argument seems invalid.

Did Oil Companies Collude to Set Gasoline Prices in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong has the highest retail fuel prices globally. When oil companies adjust their retail prices, they tend to raise prices simultaneously. Some might argue that the persistently high fuel prices in Hong Kong are due to the high land costs for gas stations. However, when examining the revenue record of oil companies, this argument seems invalid.

How far are we from a nuclear war?

最近上映的電影《奧本海默》,講述原子彈之父奧本海默(J. Robert Oppenheimer)在原子彈研發成功之後,如何因為反戰立場和曾經的左傾活動而遭受迫害。 其實,這不僅是他個人的悲劇,更是全體人類共同的悲劇。 核武的發明、擴散和競賽,讓這個世界變得極不安全。 俄羅斯對烏克蘭軍事行動受挫之際,就曾多次暗示迫不得已時會使用核武。

How far are we from a nuclear war?

最近上映的電影《奧本海默》,講述原子彈之父奧本海默(J. Robert Oppenheimer)在原子彈研發成功之後,如何因為反戰立場和曾經的左傾活動而遭受迫害。 其實,這不僅是他個人的悲劇,更是全體人類共同的悲劇。 核武的發明、擴散和競賽,讓這個世界變得極不安全。 俄羅斯對烏克蘭軍事行動受挫之際,就曾多次暗示迫不得已時會使用核武。

Why is pork so expensive in Hong Kong?


Why is pork so expensive in Hong Kong?


Price Negotiation and Bulk Purchasing: Medical Procurement Reforms in the Mainland


Price Negotiation and Bulk Purchasing: Medical Procurement Reforms in the Mainland
