Yang You
Prof. Yang YOU
Assistant Professor

3917 5169

KK 1012

Academic & Professional Qualification
  • Ph.D. in Economic, Harvard University 2021
  • Bachelor in Economics and Mathematics, Tsinghua University, 2016

Dr. Yang You obtained his PhD degree in Economics from Harvard University in 2021. He also holds Bachelors in Mathematics and Economics from Tsinghua University. Prior to joining HKU, he worked for Tower Research Capital as quant trader and interned at Facebook Libra.

Yang’s research interest lies in Fintech, Economics of Internet, Alternative data & asset prices, Culture & Institution, and Chinese Economy.

  • Investment Analysis
  • Portfolio Management
Research Interest
  • Fintech
  • Digital Currency
  • Alternative Data and Pricing
  • Culture
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Chinese Economy
  • Development Economics
Selected Publications
  • “Redeemable Platform Currencies” (with Kenneth Rogoff), The Review of Economic Studies90(2), 2023, 975–1008.
  • “Converging to Convergence” (with Michael Kremer and Jack Willis), NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2021, 36, 2021, 337-412.
  • “Bubbles for Fama” (with Robin Greenwood and Andrei Shleifer), Journal of Financial Economics, 131(1), 2019, 20-43.
Awards and Honours
  • Fama-DFA Best Paper
Recent Publications


金管局數碼港元場景測試 港大學者料多用於代幣化資產及跨境支付


Redeemable Platform Currencies

Can massive online retailers such as Amazon and Alibaba issue digital tokens that potentially compete with bank debit accounts? There is a long history of trading stamps and loyalty points, but new technologies are poised to sharply raise the significance of redeemable assets as a store of value. Here, we develop a simple stylized model of redeemable tokens that can be used to study sales and pricing strategies for issuing tokens, including ICOs. Our central finding is that platforms can potentially earn higher revenues by making tokens non-tradable unless they can generate a sufficiently high outside-platform convenience yield.

貨幣革命.中|「零售數字港元」應用超乎想像 惟金管局仍未拍板


貨幣革命.下|香港星洲金融叮噹馬頭 「批發型數字港元」要加鞭


To Imagine the Future of Digital Currencies – Dr. Yang YOU

As a teacher, I will push myself to understand the expectations of local employers' and the market dynamics of Hong Kong.

To Imagine the Future of Digital Currencies – Dr. Yang YOU

Fascinated by the unpredictable financial world, Dr. Yang YOU seeks to give form to intangible phenomena with scientific methodologies. Devoted to spend his lifetime probing at the frontiers of human knowledge, Dr. You has officially joined us in July 2021 as an Assistant Professor in Finance.



【虛擬資產】監管虛擬資產考量因素多 背後藏政治暗湧
