The Academic Area of Accounting and Law features members conducting cutting-edge research in a wide range of topical areas including financial reporting, corporate disclosure, managerial accounting, auditing, taxation, business valuation, financial contracting, corporate governance, business law and ethics, and so on. One of the distinctive strengths of our group is its diverse expertise to conduct enquires using theoretical, empirical, and experimental methods, and we publish in premier journals both in accounting and in related disciplines such as finance and management. We engage with prominent scholars of the field worldwide, run an active workshop series year round, and host high-quality conferences.
Our Area offers a full range of degree programmes at the bachelor, master, and PhD levels, attracting students of top-calibers both locally and from the wider region. We closely collaborate with professional bodies to educate and nurture the next generation of financial and managerial talents. Through well-rounded and rigorous curricula, combining foundational knowledge with emerging trends, and enriched by internship and international experiences, our programmes offer a rich and fruitful learning experience for students and prepare them for the challenges and opportunities in the fast-changing world. Our programmes are conferred accreditation by professional bodies including HKICPA (the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants), ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), CGMA (the Chartered Global Management Accountants (the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), and CPA Australia.
Recognised as one of the leading research institutions for the study of economic policy and business strategy in Hong Kong, our academic area of Economics provides high-impact and innovative teaching and research on micro- and macro-economics, organisational economics and business, political economy, international economics, and the development of China.
Working with scholars from universities and research institutions within Hong Kong and from overseas, our faculty members work on key empirical and theoretical problems in economics and global business issues, and provide substantive advice on economic policy and business strategy to government bodies and different stakeholders of society.
Our academic area of Finance provides first-class teaching for undergraduate, master’s, doctoral students as well as corporate executives, produces top-notch academic research, and collaborates with finance professionals in the world financial centre of Hong Kong. Our teaching, research, and knowledge exchange in finance are comprehensive and up-to-date. Our work covers both international markets including the U.S.A. and China relevant issues. We have both done extensive research on financial crisis and initiated new work on FinTech and green finance. interests include business economics, e-commerce, supply chain negotiations and contracts, logistics and operations management, information and technology management, business innovation, big data and business analytics, and etc.
Creating a culture of business innovation, the academic area of Innovation and Information Management has an expertise working on theoretical and empirical research in the disciplines of information management and business analytics.
Our research interests include business economics, e-commerce, supply chain negotiations and contracts, logistics and operations management, information and technology management, business innovation, big data and business analytics, and etc.
The academic area of Management and Strategy has strong competencies in teaching and research to create impact in local, regional and international business community.
With a solid background in business management and consulting, our team of scholars engage in areas of research in entrepreneurship, strategic management, organisational behavior, organisational change, leadership, international business, cross cultural management, innovation management, business strategy in China business, and etc. Our research aims to create and offer innovative management solutions to problems.
The dynamic team of researchers and scholars in the academic area of Marketing strive for excellence by combining rigorous research that offers innovative insights to meet challenges of marketing with effective teaching that trains students to be business leaders with state-of-the-art and managerially relevant knowledge in marketing.
Our research and expertise cover the fields of marketing strategy and services marketing, consumer behaviour and psychology, and quantitative modeling and digital marketing. Our research team investigates a variety of emerging and substantive topics such as China’s state capitalism, Chinese firms going global, product/brand anthropomorphism, user innovations, sales-service ambidexterity, social identity and social exclusion, self-affirmation, social crowding, online word-of-mouth, digital experimentation with big data, platform-based marketing, etc.
Our teaching team comprises of core faculty members, visiting scholars from renowned overseas universities, and leading marketing practitioners to support marketing programmes at the Undergraduate, MSc, MBA, and doctoral levels. We inspire students to learn cutting-edge and practical marketing knowledge in identifying consumer insights, understanding marketing analytics, building strong brands, developing innovations, integrating communication, achieving service excellence, etc., that are particularly relevant to the development of the Hong Kong and Chinese economies.