Prof. Heiwai TANG
香港经济自二战后尽管经历多次起伏,其国际金融及贸易中心地位,依然在世界经济舞台上历久不衰。 然而,面对近年全球经济增长放缓、区域竞争激烈及地缘政治局势恶化,香港作为高度外向型的自由经济体,我们不能因为过去均能化危为机便心存侥幸。 时移世易,香港现时面对人口老化等诸多内忧,加上外部挑战,未必如昔日般「耐寒」。
Prof. Joseph CHAN
Dr. Yifei ZHANG
今时今日,人工智能(AI)技术突飞猛进,从智能助手到自动驾驶,从工业生产到医疗诊断,AI的应用已深入人类生活的方方面面。根据国际数据公司(International Data Corporation)预测,全球AI市场规模将从2022年的1324亿美元增长到2027年的5124亿美元。
Dr. Tingting FAN
今天当我们戴上耳机聆听音乐时,会否意识到超过30%的音乐已经是由AI生成的?从去年一首AI生成歌曲Heart on My Sleeve在Spotify上一举获得逾2000万的点击,到今年年初,最大唱片公司环球唱片(Universal Music)因为AI音乐泛滥,而把旗下所有音乐从最大手机短视频平台TikTok上撤销,再到今年年中环球唱片和TikTok达成协议,后者同意在所有AI音乐视频上加上“AI音乐”的标签,AI技术对音乐产业的影响来势汹汹。
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Prof. Joseph CHAN
AI冲击环境 碳排放有何转机
Dr. Yifei ZHANG
当AI敲门 音乐产业命运何去何从?
Dr. Tingting FAN
Dr. Yifei ZHANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Prof. Vincent Peng ZHANG
Dr. Tuan Quang PHAN
Prof. Yi TANG
Navigating Our Polarized World: Professor Kian Siong Tey Decodes the Art of Agreeing to Disagree
Professor Kian Siong TEY, Assistant Professor in Management and Strategy
Professor Kian Siong Tey is acutely aware of how divided society has become. With people taking more extreme positions these days, it is ever-more challenging to find common ground, let alone a resolution. Possessing a double major degree in Psychology and Philosophy, Professor Tey understands the intricacies of human interactions and organizational behaviours. This fascination with polarizing tensions, arising from actual or perceived differences, has driven him to study conflicts using a variety of experimental methods and advanced text analysis tools.
Professor Sundara Panchanatham’s Journey of Empowering Change through Knowledge and Compassion for Better Lives
Professor Sundara Panchanatham, Assistant Professor in Innovation and Information Management
Public healthcare systems are often under scrutiny on how they cope with growing demand and evolving health needs. Professor Sundara Natarajan Panchanatham has been studying ways to make them more accessible, efficient and sustainable.
Putting Families First: Professor Naijia Guo Shines a Spotlight on Family Economics and Tackles Asia’s Fertility Concerns
Professor Naijia Guo, Assistant Professor in Economics
Professor Naijia Guo has extensively researched labour economics and family economics, with a particular focus on structural labour. Having grown up in Shenzhen, a Southern Chinese city instrumental to China’s reform and opening-up, she is especially interested to this research topic. There, Professor Guo witnessed rapid developments driven by an influx of labour which has created a unique immigrant culture.
Combatting Gender and Racial Bias in Organisation: Professor Soojin Oh’s Journey of Advocating Diversity and Inclusion
Professor Soojin Oh, Assistant Professor in Management and Strategy
Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, Professor Soojin Oh aspires to use his knowledge to help combat gender and racial bias for underrepresented leaders. Impressed by the unique blend of cultures and identities within Hong Kong, Prof. Oh decided to embark on his journey to HKU Business School as an Assistant Professor in Management and Strategy.
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